Holy crap game of thrones!!

Discussion in 'General' started by cortezmachine, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. theJrod

    theJrod Well-Known Member

    Not only are there WAY too many intertwined characters/storylines, but the character names themselves are too similar sounding and confusing as hell. Six seasons in and I'm starting to figure them out..
    Literary 101 to have at least not nearly identical sounding names, no?

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
  2. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    It looks like it gives Jon Snow the legitimate claim to the thrown over anyone else
  3. Rob P

    Rob P Well-Known Member

    I liked the fact Ayra finally started getting some payback! The Starks have been getting their asses kicked at every turn.
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    HBO has confirmed that season seven will be pushed back to the summer of 2017 to accommodate winter shooting, with seven episodes.
    auminer likes this.
  5. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck


    Chip likes this.
  6. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    Someone mentioned that the show started out real and then turned all fantasy magical crap

    That's the way it was intended. Magic was suppressed with the building of the wall and the dying out of dragons. The birth of danys dragons ushered in the new age of magic and it has been growing since.
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Yeah, if I die in June, I'm gonna be pissed.
  8. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Finally watched the 1st season sitting around with the flu. The midget porn scene threw off my interest 2 or 3 years ago when I tried to watch it before,but sitting around sick and nothing else on made me "giv'r-a-go".Just finished the last 2 episodes of season 1 this morning. Im pissed sean bean got decapitated in front of his girls like that,and I hope that little bitch-boy blond king gets what hes asking for in return.........dont spoil it:p
  9. BrianC636

    BrianC636 Well-Known Member

    Wait until you get to season 6. You'll be pissed season 7 isn't here yet.
  10. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    My apprentice lent me the season1 disc set......not sure how im going to see the rest:confused::D
  11. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    Hmmmm... IMG_8702.JPG

    Ride safe,
  12. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    CRY? Hell,I got up from the couch cussing to my wife about that little bastard king and what he did.........as if it was real:crackup:
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Nice fucking spoiler, dick. :(
  14. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Aw dang!! I thought I was the only one who just started watching. UHH I was kidding about what happened:oops:
  15. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    if you look at everything that happens in Game of Thrones from the angle of: RR Martin was probably a fat cheetos dungeons and dragons geek in high school and got picked on, then everything makes sense.

    cool guy that's handsome and all fans love him? chop off his hand and ruin his life. cute chick that's sexy and people swoon? blind her and give her the plague and have a bunch of ogres gang rape her. genuine good guy looks like he's about to save the day and be the people's champion? poison him and feed his dick to his own mother who then also gets poisoned and then her dog drinks the blood from her poisoned carcass and HE gets poisoned and dies too.

    it all makes sense then.
  16. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Im an old Gwar fan.....the shows D&D aire doesnt bother me:D
  17. BrianC636

    BrianC636 Well-Known Member

    Rent them from the movie store. That's what we did.
  18. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    The what?
    bleacht likes this.
  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  20. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Maybe Cracker Barrel is the town's third best restaurant where he lives....

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