Helmet, NIB, X-lite, Medium

Discussion in 'Race Gear and Accessories For Sale' started by SlingWing, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. SlingWing

    SlingWing Well-Known Member

    8D9AA705-D22A-4E81-BF50-C38F8853F3A2.jpeg 3792D4D3-A76D-4228-B1F4-52EC09103A23.jpeg 2A9C8FC3-8169-4F78-9EF2-25BCC85EDEAF.jpeg X-803 RS ULTRA CARBON GOLDEN EDITION

    $470 takes it

    call or text 919-4five2-1971
    Newyork and Patrick Hannigan like this.
  2. SlingWing

    SlingWing Well-Known Member

    So my my buddy just said, “yes, both visors in the box.” This’ll be way easier if you just contact him
  3. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    I just crash tested mine at NJMP Lightning at about 120mph…went over the bars and hit my head first. The helmet did its job very, very well. I was knocked out for over two minutes, suffered two broken vertebrae and a broken collarbone but I did NOT have a concussion….good stuff.
  4. SlingWing

    SlingWing Well-Known Member

    Damn bro. I hate hearing about injuries but it could’ve been much worse. Did you have an airbag? I’m thinking about getting one for next year.

    also, just wanted to clarify the helmet is NIB. he was not wearing it when he went down. It has not been on the track
  5. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    I was wearing a custom kangaroo Bison Suit with a HiT Air Bag inside. I’m pretty sure the airbag saved me from breaking my neck and from getting hurt a lot worse. I had two Transverse process fractures of the L1/L2 which is essentially snapping the ends off the vertebrae. Any worse down there I would have been in real trouble. THANK GOD I am 100% back to my former self now.

    It is a no brainer to wear an airbag these days. There are so many options, but the Hit Air is the best bang for the buck. I went mechanical as opposed to electronic bc I’ve heard more than one story of the expensive air bags not deploying.
  6. SlingWing

    SlingWing Well-Known Member

    I think you’ve convinced me to get one.

    Was just thinking about which setup to get, there are so many options.

    Interesting to hear theres issues with the electronic types.

    Any idea on which brand are problematic? Or which ones are the most reliable?
  7. Tim Dobbertin

    Tim Dobbertin Well-Known Member

    Both have their flaws. I've watched people get slammed to the ground but stayed close enough to their bikes where the hit-air didnt go off because they were close enough to still be tethered. Which resulted in broken bones. I've also seen suit airbags not go off because the speed was too slow/ didnt hit the metrics for a deployment even though there was a crash.

    Every crash is different.

    FWIW I went with tech-air.
    Newyork likes this.
  8. SlingWing

    SlingWing Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info man.

    Just discovered my trailer was broken into last night. They got my tool box.

    Fucking people
  9. Newyork

    Newyork Dip Mode

    Like Tim mentioned above every situation is different so I’d say go with what your budget allows.

    Slow and Painful death to all thieves…..
  10. SlingWing

    SlingWing Well-Known Member

    Yeah WTF. They just cut through the hasp with bolt cutters, completely avoided the lock.


    Now I gotta upgrade all three locking points with something more secure. Guy at the trailer store recommended a swivel bar lock or a snatch latch (pics below).

    Anyone used these? Would you recommend? Is there something better out there?




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