Discussion in 'Race Reports' started by IWANNAGOFAST15, Aug 5, 2019.



    Hello again everybody!!

    I had an amazing time with WERA @grattanraceway last weekend and would like to share my experience and thank some people/sponsors/officials/flag personnel. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

    I came into the weekend feeling great and couldn't wait for a "new" track to me, Grattan CCW. After being off the bike since the last Grattan round (CW) I was jacked to be throwing a leg over and ripping (atleast in my head). We showed up bright eyed at 0630 Saturday morning and got our spot, jump out of the vehicle and started to set up. Being this track is the home track for us, we brought an extra 10'x 15' canopy for the fan section. It worked out great!!

    Going into practice, I knew I def. needed to find the lines. I stayed in form and took it easy and relaxed. Did 5 laps, brought the bike in and started create notes with the team manager (wife). Ahhh yes back on a bike, bright and sunny, lets do this!!

    Saturday Race 1:
    We started Row 2, Middle Right. I had a descent hole shot that landed me in 5th place after turn 1. Good to go, as I started to watch Andrew lamerouix, John Hawkins, and David Grey start to separate them selves from us, I knew it was time to pull trigger and not let them get away. (that's what I was thinking) As I made the pass for 4th place, I put my head down and the chase was on.... I could not real these guys in a bit!! These guys were flying, going into 1:21's CCW at grattan. I held my pace and worked on lines while pushing my own air to hopefully gain some speed and time for the race 2. I was running 1:25's, well off there pace. I did end up on podium with a 3rd place finish after one of the leaders had an unfortunate low side to end his race.

    Saturday Race 2:
    Again we started Row 2, Middle Left. Green Flag!!! great hole shot, about to split row 1, enclosing bikes coming from the right to get to the left race line for entering turn 1. I decided to be safe and roll off throttle and be safe-er and fight later on since this was the first corner. Lap one in 5th, drafting 4th place into turn one. Studying his moves and trying to find a weakness. entering onto the straightaway, I had a good drive out and was in the draft immediately, pulled to the inside of him and it was, the whos hitting brakes first..., He brought it in a little to deep and had to stand it up and ended up in the grass. (he saved it) Lets chase down the leaders!!! As I felt I could learn what they are doing different/faster than I because I could still see them. They quickly started to run away from me as I continued to get faster, so did they. Story of our lives right!! The race continued on and I ended on the podium because of a mechanical failure by one of the leaders.

    Leaving day 1 with confidence , tons of notes and starting to feel my groove coming back, knowing I had to figure out how to pick up 2 seconds tomorrow.

    Sunday Race 1:
    Row 2, Middle Left. Yep I need a good hole shot to hang onto these fast guys and be in the fight. Green Flag, going in 3rd place into turn 1, YES!!! I can grasp what they are doing better then me up close and personal now!! As we entered the long elevating sweeper is where I was def off pace. As 1st and 2nd began there run from the rest of us, it was a great 3 way battle for 3rd!! We had pressure at every corner by this guy named Joe Blasius.... (yes I know who he is) as I made a mistake it was capitalized on by Nick Johnson and the fight was back on. Nick ran a great race and wasn't making mistakes. I could hear Joe in every corner and knew I had to just ride my race and hope for the best. Nick ended up getting 3rd and myself ended with a 4th place finish!!! I wasn't sad one bit, did another personal best and got in a dog fight for podium!!That's what I here for!!!

    Sunday Race 2:
    Row 1, Right. I need this hole shot to slow down the leaders and try to control the pace!!! Green Flag!!!! Had a great launch and saw that I had the race line coming into turn 1....... Then for some reason did, rolled off throttle more then I needed to and yep....... 5th place going into turn 3. Wow bro, way to not finish the hole shot is all I could think about... turn 4, back to the game plan. Lets get to joe and nick and get in the fight!!! Joe and nick started to poke at each other and I was starting to make time up on them... So, I thought. They went on to fight the rest of the race and finishing 2nd and 3rd. I finished 4th again and couldn't of been more excited to just understand that I was at a track on a bright sunny day and living the life I'm fortunate to have.

    If I attached the photos correctly, you will see why I was that astatic about this adventure that most of the time we don't always realize. I had my family and friends there, I was still alive, I finished with a shiny bike and made memories that Ill only forget when that time comes. I carry the flags and pendants on my canopy because not all of us are able to do this, in regards to my brothers and sisters that are in the real fight still (war zone) and the ones that didn't make it back alive. I will never forget you and your sacrifice that allows me to be here In The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave and I will always be your biggest supporter and will keep you alive in my memory.

    Huge Thank you goes out to,

    -Apex Manufacturing LLC
    -Sportbike Track Time
    -Sportbike Tire Service
    -Hanshaw Motors
    -DP Brake Pads
    -Hazardous Racing
    -Pop Shadow Decals
    -My Wife and Kids!!!!

    Thank you for reading!!

    Tony Blackall

    Attached Files:

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