61, need reading glasses for fine detail work or in low light. Everything hurts. Cardiovascular system is pristine, the rest is dodgy. Brain and endocrine system can fuck right off. Persistent excessive epinephrine and nor epinephrine makes for swell times when intersects with PTSD.
Mine I started noticing when trying to layout 1/32" stuff on my airplane project, and not being able to focus on close up shit like center marks n drilling. I thought it was bad lighting in my basement. Fixed the lighting, still couldnt see. Shit!! Got some readers and now I can focus again. Now Ive gotten the constant tinnitus that seems to come with age
55. readers a year ago. want to schedule the finger but too busy with other docs at the moment. but i have the referral. spent most of the summer "recovering" from some high-speed street acrobatics. they basically said I needed to get out of the hospital since I was taking up valuable space. no one believed I was 55. when my surgeon discharged me she said I was free to do whatever I wanted physically. when I told her I had been champing at the bit to check out the new bowl they finished in the spring here she said "please don't come back here" lol. ankle is silly stiff the first 20ft to the bathroom in the morning. but no prob running a 5k at 9 min mile. so I guess I'm doing ok. ps like I said in another thread. you know you're old when you have too many portals.
+1.50 are just the start. 30 years on you'll be at 2.75 or 3.00. Ask me how I know.. And @Dave K is correct, buy them in the three-packs, liberally. You'll want a pair sitting near anywhere you need to see close-up.
jeez,in 82 Id already been working for 10 years and had begun a 20 some odd years pretending to roadrace.Got 1st "readers" at 58...12 years ago
rod and cone degeneration is noticed at dusk. Particularly worse in winter when sun is lower in the horizon
That's the truth ... 46 now and never had 'issues' with vision while driving until this year after the time change.... man, seems like everyone coming at me has their high beams on! Ugh!
All kids have that. I have a work paid for cell phone plan for my employees, for us and the kids. A month or so ago Dominique decided that she should get off the plan and get a new one with her husband, even though that line only cost me $20 a month. So then I said to her younger brother, Ty, hey you make more than all of us, why are you still on my plan? He said, “ Dad, I just bought my co-op, and feel poorer than I ever have since college” So he is still mooching.