Gas for $1.99 a gallon around here.

Discussion in 'General' started by eggfooyoung, Oct 27, 2008.

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  1. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    With what the wholesale price is now it should be under $2 in VA as soon as the prices stabilize. I saw 2.25 on the way to work today.
  2. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    down to $2.17 this morning here
  3. V7 Jerry

    V7 Jerry Well-Known Member

    $2.29 for regular here in KY. My Dad called last weekend and said he filled his diesel up for $2.99 / gal down in AL.
  4. banzai132

    banzai132 Oh shit! not again!

    Still $2.55 in Melshitty.
  5. rshuki

    rshuki Member

    UK price

    In the Uk it £4.50 aprox $7.30 85% of that is tax for our goverment
  6. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    It's back up to $3.45 at the same station. Gouging?
  7. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I paid $3.20 per gallon this morning for diesel.
  8. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    my wife got gas for $1.99 yesterday here
  9. Jugglenutz

    Jugglenutz Well-Known Member

    I couldn't believe it when I filled up for about $40!
  10. V7 Jerry

    V7 Jerry Well-Known Member

    It was down to $1.99 in Lexington, KY over this weekend as well.
  11. Roosell

    Roosell It's just as I suspected

    Found gas for $2.32 in Arab yesterday - about a dime cheaper than anywhere else around.
  12. DMPower

    DMPower Well-Known Member

    It's $1.75 at the cheapest place here in Arlington, TX
  13. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    $1.67 around the house this morning!
  14. Chris

    Chris Keepin' it old school

  15. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    $1.78 at Kroger. fill ups kick much ass when they're under $40!

    anybody else notice how a tank full of gas @ @1.80-something a gallon seems to last 4 weeks and that same tank full @ $4+ a gallon lasts only 2 1/2 day? :confused::D
  16. Cawk Star

    Cawk Star Well-Known Member

    It's $1.93 down the street from me here in NH. I had a delivery driver say that diesel was $2.64 in Cleveland last week.
  17. Spooner

    Spooner Well-Known Member

    Cheapest I paid was 1.67 last week-its so crazy filling up my little commuter car for $20! And filling up the Titan makes me VERY happy!

    I just wonder how long it will last...?
  18. Chris

    Chris Keepin' it old school

    I just hope we don't forget the fact that we need to focus on alternative fuels. Consumers will get lulled back to sleep on the subject with low gas prices.
  19. Captain Squid

    Captain Squid Well-Known Member

    $2.05 here in western NC this morning
  20. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    Dunno, but I'm certainly happy to be using my Suburban and box trailer once again.
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