They were the Hipster police and they arrested her for the outfit. Good gawd, those shoes, they should get you tazed.
I am sure many non-exercisers would agree with you but it sounds like horseshit to me. The last thing I need is some fat fuck cop telling me that I am putting my life in peril crossing somewhere other than a crosswalk when they are at more of a risk for a heart attack than I am of getting hit by a car. APD has a bit of a reputation for being heavy handed. I normally stick up for cops and if it were 6th street on a saturday night there may have been some validity to the arrest but the girl was out jogging for fuck sake! Those Barney Fifes are definitely not the cream of the crop. The multitude of chins on each officer indicates that they obviously are not keeping up with their physical fitness. Perhaps they should try jogging a bit? They were probably just jealous that she could actually run for sustained periods.
Our government is fighting to let people vote without an I.D , but you can be arrested for not having one. Goes to show crooked cops can arrest you for anything they like.
Come on now, don't you think you're letting your bias toward the police enter into this discussion just a tiny little bit? For example, you know damn well that it's against the law to jaywalk and it's not illegal to eat donuts and be out of shape. Even you will have to admit that crossing the street where drivers are not really expecting to encounter you can be dangerous especially when the person crossing the street cannot hear you, and I would bet, not even look up from where she's running. The woman was, and is, a dumbass for the actions she took. I'll even throw more fuel on the fire. They arrested her to save her from herself.
LOL! Now you are making me laugh. Yes I do have a certain amount of disrespect for police officers who are supposed to be there to protect me from bad people that do not take their job seriously enough to stay in a shape other than round. If it were up to me police, fire fighters, emergency responders and all military people would either be in good shape or would be fired. So you think 4 officers hauling off a girl who jaywalked while out for a run is a good way for taxpayer dollars to be spent? And you are calling her a dumbass because she crossed a street somewhere other than a crosswalk? And you are making some pretty big assumptions that she was not paying attention to traffic. Most runners that I know are very aware that they do not have a steel cage around them and do watch for cars. "Heavens to Betsy Myrtle! That girl is a criminal! We need to protect her from herself!" I do have to say, you have a very "Liberal" opinion on this. Pissing away taxpayer money to protect people from themselves? Did you just visit California or something?
Here we go with the what if game again. Most of the remotes in my house are black. So lets keep playing the what if game. What if I hear someone knock on the front door and pick up the one of those deadly black remote controls to my mute the TV as I get up to answer the door and being careless, I don't think to put it down in case there's a trigger happy cop on the other side... and gasp, the remote is fully loaded with batteries. Do I deserve to be shot for my carelessness?
Ok you're right Kang, that cop is a POS just like the rest of them. Fuck his day in court too, only citizens are entitled to those. What other cop related matters can we find on the web, not have all the facts and just FTP them all up and down these interwebs? I mean the media don't ever get anything 100% right, EXCEPT police stories!
LOL, if we keep this up we'll have the woman being an axe killer trying to escape while listening to music. Actually, I do tend to look at individuals, especially attractive women, jogging down the street, crossing the street, running down a street at night or early morning, without being able to hear what's happening around them, often completely unaware of their surroundings and what that can result in as being rather dumb. Don't knock the police since that's why they're there. Ya know, to enforce the law? I still say that she got her ass busted for being dumb. Dumb for doing what she was doing, dumb for resisting questioning by the police, just dumb. Obviously she was unaware of her surroundings since she jerked away from the officer when he grabbed her arm. Apparently she didn't know where she was or who was around her. By the way, your calling me "liberal" on this just made Panther's day. Maybe even Papa's too.
PC seems grumpy lately. I am glad I could make his day! And it is always better when Papa is happy! I normally agree with most of what you say but IMO you are siding with Big Brother here. I think we have to agree to disagree on this one. How many times have you not heard someone talking to you or been startled by someone grabbing your arm? And the article does not really indicate that she was out of line at all. "Student Chris Quintero, who the Daily Texan reported witnessed the arrest, said he saw the woman jogging with headphones on when police ran after her. When the woman failed to stop, the officer grabbed her by the arm and handcuffed her, Quintero said." So fatass Barney Fife had to exert some energy to get her attention so he and 3 of his colleagues felt that it was appropriate to go full Tackleberry on her and you think that is justified? What really caught my attention was "Austin police did not return phone calls from TheBlaze about why the woman was detained." In my experience generally when someone doesn't want to comment it is because they did something wrong. Yes, jaywalking is illegal but it is a bullshit charge that does nothing to promote public safety. They could have been far more useful on the east side of I35 trying to do something about crime. You know, stuff where there is actually a victim. I am more offended about people who are on the public payroll and entrusted with protecting the public from bad guys are allowed to be that far out of shape.
You are absolutely right. Any kid who is related to a POS and has the temerity to answer the door while holding a game controller deserves to be shot immediately. If he had simply had the good sense to select a better father or crawl to the door on his belly while waving a white flag, this poor officer wouldn't be in this predicament today.
Yeah, you're right. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I tend to look at these kind of issues using a view of the big picture because I don't know all the details of it. The police have many duties some of which is to actually protect people from their own stupid actions. I'm talking about those that tend to cross a street at any point rather than at a crosswalk. I do it too but I tend to actually look both ways and I don't have earplugs stuck in my ears. Surely you're aware of why pedestrians should really use crosswalks don't you? It's simply a way of controlling both foot traffic and auto traffic so that both can operate safely. As far as sending those officers to where the crime is so their time can be used better, it may have been that 20 minutes after the incident with the woman they may have been involved in an armed encounter with bank robbers. We just don't know everywhere the police are at any time during the day.
Nigel, why are you making such a long leap to the absurd with this? You already know the answer to your own statement. Of course a child doesn't have any choice in who his parents are or what happens in the seemingly innocent acts of everyday life. You also have to look at it from the point of realizing that the kid didn't think anything of going to answer the door and the officers were not planning to encounter a person opening the door with what may have appeared to be a weapon. Unfortunately, some really screwed up things happen during the course of a day in the life of kids, and police. This incident was no one's fault yet, at the same time, it was everybody's fault.
Cross walks. Really? I can't think of the last time I walked even an extra 100 feet to use a cross walk. You're pretty cautious...or maybe I'm just living on the edge...
Dude, it was no one's fault? Really? Are you going to try and pin some of the responsibility on the dad too? Do you think the kid was even a little at fault for answering the door with a fucking remote in his hand. Sheeze... I'll go ahead and reserve any further judgement. I don't want XF to blow a gasket over this cop not having her day in court before I decide she messed up...big time. We'll see.....
There is no way the death of an innocent child at the hands of the police is anyone's fault but that of the officer who pulled the trigger. No excuses. No rationalization. A child should not be gunned down in their own home by the very person tasked to protect them. If the officer was operating on edge because of foreknowledge of a dangerous situation, the warrant should have been handled differently. If it was not an apparent high risk operation, then the officer simply has no business being entrusted with a gun in public service. I am sure that when the lawyers are through here, the taxpayers will be footing a large bill. The kid will still be dead.