Flying with Kids

Discussion in 'General' started by grasshopper, May 31, 2017.

  1. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    My wife and I have 9 month old twins (boy / girl). I was on a flight a couple years ago and a couple was handing these out. I thought it was pretty clever and nice to do. I'm still not very enthusiastic about flying with my children this early. I've traveled quite a bit over the last 15 years and have observed some pretty miserable parents especially on long flights. Any advice from the beeb is greatly appreciated.

    SnacktimeKC and SmokeSignalRT like this.
  2. pscook

    pscook Well-Known Member

    That's a pretty cool idea. We never had trouble with our daughter, and we had to fly home from China when she was nine months old (adoption). I think most people are pretty understanding, but it's the complainers (kids and adults) who stand out.

    But what we found was Benadryl for those long (or short, or whatever) flights. Not too much (unless they are really fussy), but a little bit before the flight helped our daughter drift to a gentle slumber.
    Wingnut and BigBird like this.
  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Sabre699 and auminer like this.
  4. flyboy

    flyboy Well-Known Member

    I used to use Benadryl occasionally to help fall asleep. Then I saw this. Not sure that stuff is really safe, especially if used regularly. Figured I post the link so you can decide for yourself.

    Common anticholinergic drugs like Benadryl linked to increased ...
  5. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    For me as long as the parents are attempting to be parents and actively working to calm a crying kid down I am ok. I would actually appreciate the chocolate and ear plugs as it shows that you care what others think/feel. Its those assholes that just let the kid scream out that get me mad.

    Hopefully your kids fly as good as mine did at that age. Minimal crying and fussing. Just sit down and then either play or sleep.
  6. Very cool idea actually. On my flight to china few weeks ago there was a 5 year old (with his own business class seat, wtf) and was getting rather irate. Instead of giving mom n dad the stink eye as they had another kid about 2, I grabbed the pair of socks from the toiletry bag they give you, made a half assed ball out of them and played catch with the kid (between Econ and bus class). Happened to be in the taxi line right in front of his parents and they offered to pay for my taxi to the hotel. Having kids of your own makes you a lot more sympathetic. What airline you flying? I have a bunch of free drinks on Delta I can email you. May be better than candy :)
    auminer, cha0s#242 and BigBird like this.
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Just knock them out with medical marijuana.
  8. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    Put them on a different flight. It's peaceful and you'll avoid disapproving glances.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Drive. Unless it's for a funeral there is no good reason to fly with kids under 10.
  10. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    My wife and I have done something similar when my youngest was an absolute terror on a few flights, but instead of chocolates I bought anyone within a few rows a drink.

    Works wonders (as well as actively trying to parent and not being those assholes who just let the kid scream while wearing headphones).

    You also may want to invest in a "kiddie iPad" (my daughters, 2 and 4, have matching ones) that you can put a movie on for your kids.
  11. cha0s#242

    cha0s#242 Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand

    My advice : keeping her entertained, fed and dry is pretty much the most you can do at that age. If grown people can't understand that, they're the ones with the issues, not you. Most people understand though, but there is always this self centered asshole who thinks that the world should have stopped breeding after he or she was born and is going to give you the stink eye. I suggest you should respond by flinging a full diaper at them.
    grasshopper and tropicoz like this.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I have never thought the world should stop breeding - wait a sec, I actually have, most of the world at least.... Anyway, outside of major emergencies there is no reason to travel with children on planes. Yes, your convenience is worth less than the entire planes convenience and comfort. Vacations are not a viable reason. As I said earlier only good one is a funeral and even then it better be immediate family...

    Same goes for any public place, if the kids cannot behave then remove the kid. If you can't 100% guarantee behavior on the plane do not fly. It's really simple :D
    RRP, Past Glory and cpettit like this.
  13. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    We went took our twins at like 1 on 2.5 hour flight, NY to Orlando. They were generally good for it, but what we learned and used on the way back, is that you need to buy at least one extra seat. They both can fit in the seat at that age, and that makes it a lot more accommodating on them and easy on everyone. Travel with the minimum in your hand. No carry-on luggage, etc. Food/milk/toys/diapers/iPad. Have your hands ready and be ready to rock them hold them when necessary. Also, try to time bottles/food when landing/take-off as it will help with the air pressure and their ears.

    And.....GOOD LUCK!
  14. peakpowersports

    peakpowersports Well-Known Member

    When I see or hear someone getting a bit too pissy about a child not having a great time I just think "buddy, do you think the parents are having a good time?" I feel bad for parents when their kids go full on YOLO in public.. but maybe thats came with age and my own little ones. I still struggle when my 2 year old goes ape shit when we are out so I'm pretty sympathetic about this type of thing. If you get angry at kids on a flight, you should have invested in some good noise canceling headphones. Understand that 90% of people around think the adult getting angry about a kid is the asshole, not you or the kid.

    And I agree with Mongo.. if you can remove your child, do so. I've left many of grocery stores with my kids and drove around the parking lot until the wife was finished due to non-compliant children.
    BigBird and cha0s#242 like this.
  15. Pittenger5

    Pittenger5 Well-Known Member

    Yup, this. And I despise children. But I also travel with noise canceling headphones, so not much really bothers me.
  16. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  17. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    Buy the extra seat at the VERY least.
  18. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    9 months will be easy. My daughter has been a few flights under 1 year old and we just took a trip out to Seattle with her at 1.5 years. She would sleep for the most part and the pressure changes never bothered her ears. Mom breastfed in her seat as well. The seattle flight was longer and she's walking now so she didn't want to sit in our laps or go to sleep.

    You get a pass with babies. It's the toddler stage when you might get the stink eye.

    I would never give those goodie bags to anyone.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I am totally understanding of the kids going off the rails, it happens. I don't go off on the parents for it either, no point, their life sucks more than mine right then :D

    On flights though - they chose to put themselves and the poor kid in a sucky situation and then make everyone else suffer for it. That is pure bullshit. If the kid is a good kid (plenty have no issues not having meltdowns in public, the grandson was never an issue even once in that regard) then go for it. But if there is a chance, drive yourself.
  20. peakpowersports

    peakpowersports Well-Known Member

    Can I use your car that can drive to Jamaica? :D

    But I totally understand what your saying. Sometimes its a 99% chance they are good and a 1% chance they are not... guess when the 1% happens? The worst possible time, usually without fail.
    BigBird likes this.

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