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Fitting trailer into garage?

Discussion in 'General' started by tropicoz, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. tropicoz

    tropicoz Well-Known Member

    I want to put my enclosed 6x12 in the garage for the winter so I can insulated it and set it up for next year. The problem is, the trailer is right about 96-97 inches tall from the ground up to the top of the vent, while the garage door opening is a hair under 94". I figure I can take the dome lid off the vent, and air down the tires to see if it'll squeak in. Would it be easier/ better to get a bare set of wheels and try rolling it in on the rims?
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  2. tawzx12r

    tawzx12r Influencer to none

  3. GECCO

    GECCO Runs with scissors

    What he said
  4. vince69007

    vince69007 CRASH277


    did that with an RV before that we couldnt get into our shop.

    another option, is smaller wheels if possible. used to do that with my buddies jeep, we put 4 doughnuts on it to bring it into the garage because the lift kit and over sized tires raised it up too much.,
  5. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    I used to have to let all the air out of my tires to get mine in
  6. dammyneckhurts

    dammyneckhurts Well-Known Member

    If you are only going to do this once.... dome off and air down is the quick/easy/free.

    Thats what I would do anyway.....
  7. AZ-MilleR

    AZ-MilleR Well-Known Member

    I had a 6 x 12 and had a 4" drop axle installed so it would fit into my garage. It was still close enough I had to make sure it sat perfectly level to fit in and out, but it worked.
  8. Woofentino Pugr

    Woofentino Pugr Well-Known Member

    Some clown here in town had a garage that was extra high but used the standard height door. He put a huge lift kit on it for 44" tires. Well come time to take it for a spin he forgot one thing. Its taller than his garage door.:crackup:Had to remove the garage door and cut out some of the wall above the door to get the truck out even on 15" stock rims and tires. Guy is a tard. Although I'd like to know how the fuck the truck woul deven be street legal being that freaking high. He could look eye to eye with a trucker.
  9. ZxMoke

    ZxMoke Well-Known Member

    There is no way to insulate the trailer in front of your garage?
  10. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    ^^I'm guessing he is in some cold state, not Florida like you are. It gets really cold and miserable outside in the northern part of this country.:Poke::D
  11. tropicoz

    tropicoz Well-Known Member

    Correcto! I'm in Maine... Aka south Canada. There isn't any snow on the ground yet, but dammit it's cold. I've got a nice heated garage to work in so I'll give these ideas a shot. A local guy suggested taking the wheels off and rolling it in on the hubs. Wouldn't that destroy the hubs?
  12. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    This, can you borrow a couple of 8" trailer rims/tires?
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    MN is South Canada. You're Southeast Canada. :p

    How's things back in my old stomping ground? Been seeing the goings-on in Waterville, bad news. :(
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Worse, he's south Quebec :D
  15. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Ever driven in Quebec?

    One of my best highway driving experiences was driving through Montreal, playing with some dude in a Beemer. Whodathunk a 4x4 Ford Ranger could out-corner a Quebecois BMW driver? :D
  16. grantcarruthers

    grantcarruthers Well-Known Member

    I'd guess if you layed out carpet or thick cardboard it would protect the rims. I wouldnt expect the unloaded trailer to weigh enough to crush the lip of the rim? If not, they're only $75 each and you have a good story:D
  17. tropicoz

    tropicoz Well-Known Member

    Oh man, them fightin words!!! Maine's going down the toilet, except for the tourism sector. Waterville is quickly becoming like Lewiston with all the meth heads and scrip pill users. Crime has gone throught he roof lately. No zombies yet, but some of these addicts look the part.

    Regarding the trailer, it has drop axles, so it was a no go on the hubs. Just took off the plastic vent dome and let the air out of the tires. Got it in with about an inch to spare. Thanks for all the input!
  18. ZxMoke

    ZxMoke Well-Known Member

    That explains. Today was probably the coldest day this year and it was in the 50's, other than that I'm in shorts and a t-shirt :D
  19. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    Get a bare set of steel wheels from a junkyard or off Craigslist. Alot of trailer mfgs roll them around on bare wheels throughout the build process.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Hate to break it to ya, it's been going down the toilet since long before I moved out of there.

    I knew a *lot* of fisherman who put their paychecks up their noses, there was no shortage of buyers and the sellers never had a problem getting product.

    Now, it's just gone inland. I'm sure a whole lotta product is still coming in off the fishing boats.

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