FB Marketplace horror stories

Discussion in 'General' started by USracer900, Sep 8, 2020.

  1. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    I had a nice FB marketplace experience yesterday. I sold my Zuma to a youngish guy with just a few messages. The catch: he wanted me to deliver the Zuma to him in Billings, which is an hour from me. I'm motivated and needed a bottle of Bordeaux from Costco, so I agreed. He was there to meet on time, and handed me the cash. Everything went smoothly. I get home and counted the money, only to discover that there was $50 too much. I messaged him for a mailing address so I could send him a check. He thanked me for being honest and told me to buy a nice lunch.
    TurboBlew, SpeedyE and Shocker like this.
  2. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    or maybe he was going to ask you to take more while he didnt think about it!! :D That was really generous on your part. :)
  3. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

  4. Humanity, it may be small but once again folks we have an example that there may still be hope after all.

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