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Fans Choice TV

Discussion in 'General' started by 50Joe, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. smrrc

    smrrc Well-Known Member

    No, I'm having the same issues as well. I thought it was weather related yesterday but this morning the weather seems fine and still the same with a lot of audio probs and feed issues..hope they figure it out as it would be nice to end the season with a knock out job like they did at Mid-O.
  2. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Smooth as a baby's butt here.
  3. r6boater

    r6boater Logged out

    Same here, also, there is a FB thread rolling if you want to join. We had >1500 posts on the one yesterday.
  4. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Mine also resembles a baby's butt; somewhat shitty at times.
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Well-Known Member

    ^^^^^ what he said.. I liked fans choice until this weekend.. The feed has cut out way too many times... Take notes Rainey!
  6. jeffr1ey

    jeffr1ey Well-Known Member

    announcing is just horrible.. dude doesn't even know the riders..
  7. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    The question seems to be, if some viewers aren't having problems while others are, is it FansChoice. tv's problem or the viewers' problem?
  8. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    You get what you pay for.

    Agreed, he's a tool. They miss WAY too much on track action.
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    A bit of buffering and stalling here. Still, it's free and the coverage is pretty good. I'll take it.
  10. racergary

    racergary Well-Known Member

    For me Fans choice has not always been smooth but this weekend it was pretty bad till I switched over to running it on my newer Ipad,I think my older Imac needs tweaking as I often get no video support warnings etc....time for a tune up for a corrupted computer.

    I feel my troubles are mostly with a faulty computer or virus
  11. And obviously not a whole lot about bikes either (stock or race bikes).
  12. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    Since I was busy with other projects, I didn't have time to sitdown and watch my computer until this evening. So I just went to FanChoice.tv to try to watch replays of today's races. It appears there isn't much archival material and nothing from today's broadcast. So does this mean I'm SOL?
  13. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    It didn't work to good for me today, usually is better. I finally gave up on it and watched football.
  14. It will be on the AMA's YouTube channel in a day or two.
  15. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Last race the YouTube channel had footage about 3 hours after the last race.
  16. bajakirch

    bajakirch ^Not what you think

    While I'll admit that Fanschoice has improved since the first races I watched (Daytona), I still think the quality falls well below anything I've ever seen on even the second-tier cable channels.

    The direction is poor, with cameras being caught out of position and missing some major incidents. The announcing is rough, as presented above.

    It's obvious that DMG was only making a token effort with Fanschoice as they worked out the deal to sell off the series.

    I hope Scott Russell made sure his check cleared.
  17. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Curious, has anyone watched any of the other Fanschoice content on their site other than the AMA road racing stuff? Is it of similar or improved quality?
  18. roy826ex

    roy826ex Been around here a while

    Mine worked fine in the shop all day on the wall tv connected to my laptop, invited friends over and we grilled burgers, looked at motorcycles parked everywhere and a GROM, ate mountains of junk food and drank beer. Feed was about what it's been previously. No one complained and no buffering on WiFi connection.
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I thought Scott Russell and the other guy did a pretty kick ass job announcing today and I hope they're both back next year. The cute blond chick killed it as well.

    Even with the buffering and being on a 15" screen as opposed to a 58" screen, I enjoyed the holy heck out of it.

    DMG turned chicken shit into chicken salad with fans choice.
  20. jeffr1ey

    jeffr1ey Well-Known Member

    Dude, no offense, but your high.. It's terrible and it's been terrible for quite some time..

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