Did Mat Oxley just lose a few fans in the Dungeon?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by The Dung Beetle, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Consider it a standing offer. Give me a heads up when you want to give it a try.
  2. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Thanks man I will!
  3. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I knew it.


    I think that's a fair assessment, I also think it's fair that most folks in here think RFKA makes shit up or just shares his slanted views because of his history on the subject.

    Serious question, have you ever witnessed ANY form of racism towards other ethnicity's, from other black folks?

    Holy shit Batman!!! :wow: :crackup: (no comment needed, just sharing one helluva funny LOL type moment)

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
  4. I don't make shit up. I've heard racist bullshit in the paddock, and others in this thread have reported that they have too.

    As for your "serious question," I haven't experienced racism from the entire "black community," whatever that is, but I have experienced it from a couple individual black people.
  5. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    For your edification, here is yet another example of you reading what you expect to see rather than what is actually written. You inserted "entire" into a general, nonspecific reference to black people. We all know full well that some, but not all, blacks harbour racist attitudes.
  6. flamed03r1

    flamed03r1 Well-Known Member

    You lose a lot of credibility in my book making statements like this unless of course you are not considering the term "nigga". I hang out with not only blacks from all walks of life but also Asians, Arabs, etc. and ALL use this term, hell they refer to each other using the word just like young whites do in the U.S.. If you are actually claiming that it doesn't come up in day to day conversation, I have to call B.S. But then again, maybe you hang out with some really uppity brothas...

    The word IS used all of the time in daily conversation around the world...due to media, hip hop or whatever.

    I think the term is losing a lot of its power...which in my mind is a good thing.
  7. It was a play on XF's goofy use of the phrase "black community." What exactly is the "black community?"
  8. turtlecreek

    turtlecreek Well-Known Member

    well, that obviously leaves only poor upbringing and penis envy for you. :Putter:
  9. Coopster

    Coopster Well-Known Member

    Ewww. Where to start...
    First off much respect to members of all races who drag a knee

    I feel there is a huge misconception here.
    I DON'T think black people use the term "nigger" all day long: niggers do!
    I have about 250 automotive accounts that I service and am often in urban areas of Atlanta.
    The banter amongst some black mechanics is sprinkled liberally with "nigga this, nigga that".

    When I'm at an establishment that has black folks employed and I don't hear that word every third word out of that persons mouth, I know I am in the company of black people.
    You see it's very easy for me to make a distinction based on how people present themselves. They provide the evidence against themselves.
    Just like a meth'd out white trash piece of shit is not in my book, a member of my race.

    As for poor upbringing, nice try again, and Penis envy, well only of my proud black brotha's!

    #showernotgrower! ;)

    Oh yeah, the "niggle" thing in Cincy - not getting it...
  10. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man


    And alot of the stuff people tag the "racism" label to is not racism. It is stereotyping. There is a big difference between making a watermelon or fried chicken joke and truly hating someone based on their race.

    The truly sad thing is that while there is still racism out there this current trend of calling everything that someone doesnt like "racism" is desensitizing people. Kinda like the overuse of the word "hero". Overuse has watered down the impact.
  11. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    If this is indeed true, and you've heard this from white racers about black racers, it shouldn't be a problem to say who, when, and where. Names, bike numbers, etc. If I had heard this, I could remember it easily.
  12. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Yup. That and his shitty rap music. But I grew up in black skin with black people so wtf do I know about the subject? "You lose credibility" lol. Lmfao I can't even think of a response lol.
  13. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Curling is stupid......sorry grandpa(RIP). As far as the Games go,ive done plenty where there were a few black guys competing.Was i putoff a bit? Yes,it is supposed to be a cultural event. If you respect my culture,then i will respect yours. Even the black guys doing the events understood where i was coming from and kinda agreed. I dont like commercialism,and getting any ol' meathead doing cultural events regardless of what it is,leads to selling out to commercialism.I would never go to Basque to train to lift the Basque stones,but i like watching it done.Its one of the most impressive lifts you will ever see!!!
  14. Fencer

    Fencer Well-Known Member

    You may have grown up in it, but obviously you have grown out of it. You are like a Republican Congressman and have lost touch with the "common folk" You have no credibility
  15. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    So do you think it is OK to use ANY of the above HI lighted terms???
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So you don't actually stand behind what you say enough to use your own name? May as well stop posting then, nothing you say is viable.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So I should change your username. Cool. I'm tired of batshit crazy, it's race season :D
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Doyle is fonda poo.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Interesting part is the list of nationalities which says absolutely nothing about the race of the people who live in those countries.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    On the actual subject. There is racism in the paddock. Happens all the time. I hear it regularly but luckily that doesn't equate to very often, it's rare but still regular.

    The people who spout racist shit also tend not to stick around long. That kind of prejudice just doesn't fly with this dysfunctional family. Prejudice about bike brand or displacement or age? Hell yeah! But stupid shit like racism or even sexist crap just doesn't fly. People who are that stupid also tend to be stupid in other ways that also turn people off and they don't find the family aspect of it the rest of us do. Or - they stop being idiotic and learn the error of their stupid. Either way I can't remember many people, especially in recent years, who I know that make the racist comments or jokes or whatever else they do to denigrate another person because of their race.

    Sadly this means I do agree with dung beetle - but he's also not been in enough paddocks to really know much about it as a whole. If he's heard so much of it in his limited experience I wonder about him as much as those he supposedly talks to.

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