Daytona 200 is on now

Discussion in 'General' started by backcountryme, Mar 17, 2018.


    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    yep. the dog leg is a classic example of "it's easy".. sure, navigating that corner is no problem. Pretty soon you think you are goin good. My first memory of "ok, i'm not goin fast here" was years ago when Martin Cardenats went by me, on the outside, just BEFORE we were entering the corner.
    Knowing how much lean, and how much the bike will skip to not run out onto the grass on exit, takes years of practice (unless you are a top level pro).
    Exiting the chicane is another "how do they DO that" section. Every time i think i get it right.. Shane Narbone or Danny Eslick will exhibit a "step it up dude" exit..
  2. swiest152

    swiest152 Zoran's headache

    Those guys will do that to you on any track tho. We know their names for a reason.
    MELK-MAN likes this.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I did that on the Hyper pinch bolts just to run them in then hand tighten and didn't pay enough attention until the snap sound :D
  4. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    C'mon, do you really think that is what he said? 45's and 48's are fast there, Mesa's time is a track record.

    That's like any track record at any track in the United States, if it wasn't set by the current crop of MA guys racing there, most likely Graves or Yosh guys, then it can probably be lowered. Unless it was set years ago, by the old crop of AMA guys, on Uber SBK'd motorcycles, with qualifying rubber.
  5. Aweasel

    Aweasel Well-Known Member

    angle would be a better indicator for this app.., it's ideal really on all since there's so many variables that can change fastener torque reading. You would get vastly different torque reading but same angle if say the seal was dry vs. lubed, and even still depending on the lube used, temperature of the gasket, temperature of the oil cooler/filter base on the motor when changing, shit even surface finish of the mating face on the oil cooler/filter base could change your tq reading.

    Couple cylinder heads I've done rely ONLY on angle for the fasteners. There may be a starting torque like 30 ft lbs but then it's angle only on the next 2 passes.

    Ideally, filter and engine are same temp, 1 finger swipe of fresh oil on the filter seal and a clean filter base, and something like 90 degrees after seal touches the face. Then again, that could be right for say an OEM filter but then again, if using a different brand filter the gasket height and durometer could require a totally different angle for proper squish. yay for engineering making shit over complicated
    badmoon692008 and busa99 like this.
  6. buzz-06

    buzz-06 Well-Known Member

    And this right here is why I had to purchase almost $1000 worth of new torque wrenches. Everything in the big truck world revolves around angle torque specs. The filters actually have insurctions on them that indicate spin till gasket touches then rotate 3/4 turn. They have arrows to assist in the 3/4 turn
  7. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Oh no that’s smokin fast no doubt. No intent to take anything away from those guys as they are the real deal. I should have responded more clearly.

    My comment was directed at others who made statements to the effect that Daytona is an easy track to learn while using LWT bikes as their barometer. Sure it’s easy when you’re 20 or more seconds off pace. LOL.
    Boman Forklift and MELK-MAN like this.
  8. TX Joose

    TX Joose Well-Known Member

    Not sure if anyone has mentioned, but they're allowed now. At least K&N.
  9. dantheman

    dantheman Yeah, it hurt.....

    Ha! I've been running Daytona for a few years. First on an R6 now on a clapped out LWT. I took a pass this year. I still ain't got it figured out as slow as all get out I am!
    MELK-MAN likes this.
  10. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    I see the hornets nest has been stirred. The 2 king hornets have emerged. Garth and Greg. LOL. The track is not difficult to figure out. But what do I know about riding a motorcycle? I ride a SV. My comment is completely invalid.
    assjuice cyrus likes this.
  11. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    @Chaotic / Chris Broome.... Don't go to Daytona. It's just way too much for you to figure out. Way outside your talent level. :)
    Gorilla George likes this.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    His BP will be totally wrong.
    418 likes this.
  13. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    My comment was not meant to devalue yours or any other talented riders countless laps and skill around Daytona. Trust me... I never said it was easy to break a lap record around any track including Daytona. By "figure out" I didn't mean break lap records or run competitive professional times. "Figure out" to me meant go out and have fun and smile in your helmet. Twist the throttle, race and have a good time. You know just as well as I do there are plenty of way more technical courses than Daytona.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
    MELK-MAN and 418 like this.
  14. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    i would agree, on a "per mile" valuation :) With the course being 3.5 miles, and no more turns than other 2 mile courses, the amount of WFO is pretty significant.. throw a lightweight bike into the equation (stock SV , not 120hp Air cooled ducati), and it's darn near boring in some respects.

    and so we have a frame of reference, what lap times do you do there on an SV ?
    G 97 likes this.
  15. I think people really understimate the skill it takes to have the right strategy and drafting ability at Daytona.
    G 97 likes this.
  16. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    gearing selection is critical too. Many will practice, never having a drafting partner.. and based on the fact the bike isn't pulling anywhere near redline in 6th, add teeth to the rear sprocket. Then, get a surprise when the bike hits the rev limiter well before start finish if they do get a good draft. It took me years to even be fast enough to run with guys enough times to even practice drafting.. there are times, if geared right, some bikes won't even use 6th on the front straight if not in a draft. Not every bike, as some like the Ducati's, can't get a small enough rear and/or big enough front on to worry about that..
  17. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Hornets nest? Please spare me the drama.

    For me, any time I think I have a track figured out - means, I’m not going fast enough.
    If you can’t understand this......I rest my case. :)
    MELK-MAN likes this.
  18. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Who cares what the SV times are, Broome wants to know the Grom lap record.
  19. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    That data is invalid because the groms can't make it up the banking.
    cajun636, TLR67 and MELK-MAN like this.
  20. First time I ever got into a good double draft (this was 03 or so when I first went there) on a decently built gsxr 750 it felt like I downshifted and found another Gear, pulls you that hard. Took me a few sessions to ride into my gearing but once you get it right it’s a lot of fun. Like the coyote and an acme rocket. No desire to ever ride there again, not worth the cost of tires and abuse to equipment. If I want to stay pinned for long periods hit road am, it’s more fun and a different kind of challenge.
    MELK-MAN likes this.

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