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Cold Medicine Suggestions

Discussion in 'General' started by CRAKitty, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. CRAKitty

    CRAKitty I taste like chicken

    The first cold of the season has set in....:(

    Suggestions? I want to maximize the loopy feeling.
  2. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ


    Nyquil is the only one that helps me. It knocks me out in about 20 minutes.
  3. CRAKitty

    CRAKitty I taste like chicken

    I just took some of that nasty shit.

    The room is starting to spin nicely. :D
  4. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    Take more and it will talk to you while it spins

    Take more and it will sound like Putter

    One more shot and the spinning room that sounds like Putter will seem sexy...

    I've never had the guts to take that last shot!! :eek:
  5. vosnick52

    vosnick52 Well-Known Member

    Theraflu with a couple shots of Jack in it.
    Works like a charm, seriously!!
  6. Eddie845

    Eddie845 E-LO FRM THE BLOCK

    I don't know what flavor you got, but the cherry is pretty good.
  7. freeride88

    freeride88 Hooligan

    If you get throat pain, the Tylenol Sort Throat syrups are amazing. Instantaneous relief.
  8. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Peaches, that night in Tijuana must have escaped your memory huh? LOL, remember that midget and her sheep partner? Waking up in that Mexican jail next to Rico Suave? It's a good thing I had enough pesos to bribe the local Policia.............

    Get better soon, Kitty. :D
  9. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.


    OMFG.... Big N, Little fucking Q rocks the big 111
  10. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Nyquil is not to be taken anywhere but at the edge of your bed. That is where you will fall back into.

    Nyquil- NOT the stuffy sneezy achy fever so you can rest medicine, but the be careful- you may wake your arse up on the cold kitchen floor medicine.

  11. Bruce S

    Bruce S Mafia In-forc-er

    The active ingredient is dextromethorphane. It is ionically structured like an opiate, but once the body begins to metabolise it, the structure changes somewhat and it goes to the same receptors as PCP. Now in a theraupeutic dose this poses no problem, but we you start to get greedy, things get really interesting:eek:

    'course, some of ya'll know that already I see:D
  12. CRAKitty

    CRAKitty I taste like chicken

    so is something with dextromethorphane what I should be taking?
  13. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Now where did you cut and paste that from, Bruce? We all know you're far too big a hayseed to come up with that on your own! :Poke: :D
  14. Bruce S

    Bruce S Mafia In-forc-er

    Yeah, no kidding. I wrote an article on dextro last year. Pretty much all cold meds have it...Vicks44, Robitussin, Nyquil, on and on. But to answer your question, yes.
  15. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    You just need a massage, Kitty. :D

    I have been illin for a week also. Been taking over the counter sinus medicine that does the exact opposite of Nyquil.

    Or, Frank Angel can hook you up with his patented water-pik for the nose.:p
  16. CRAKitty

    CRAKitty I taste like chicken

    I don't have any of that stuff at home. :(

    Putterpuppy.....will you go to the store for me....
  17. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Where is the hubby? Do you have tomorrow off? I can go to the store on the way to work.
  18. CRAKitty

    CRAKitty I taste like chicken

    I'm home all day tomorrow...:D
  19. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Yeah insurance folk have got it easy. 4 day a week jobs, big houses, nice campers, nice hooters, cool cars, bikes for the hubby.......
  20. tracy

    tracy Member

    Ever hear a kitty sneeze? Its kinda cute :bow: But yeah if Putter is the official errand boy, then I need him to pop over here and get me some lunch!!!!

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