Christmas Wish List

Discussion in 'General' started by GSXRGIRL, Dec 7, 2001.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Lame, you two are just lame. [​IMG]
  2. PKS

    PKS Happiness is belt fed!

    Hey! You leave them alone! Go ride a pig..or something! [​IMG]

  3. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Could it be that Papa's bike quest is a metaphor for his current woman situation? [​IMG]

    He just can't decide which ride he wants for next year. [​IMG]

    GSXRGIRL Guest

    You jealous jealous boy. [​IMG] You are just mad that you don't have a woman to buy a 750 for you.
  5. SpEdette

    SpEdette Zombie

    Um, that was aimed at Papa, right? [​IMG]
  6. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    So for the price of the boat you could have 8 islands? Or maybe the boat is just used for travelling to all your islands...
  7. Sean Jordan

    Sean Jordan Well-Known Member

    2 weeks of private instruction with Freddie Spencer and/or Kevin Schwantz. Maybe with the weekends spent doing the American Supercamp dirt stuff. And instead of a certificate of completion, a best-of-the-best race prepped supersport GSXR-750. That would be a good start.
  8. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Nah, I'm not man enough for the 750 so that's why I got the 600 instead. [​IMG]

    And quit hitting on me! [​IMG] I'm not leaving TIW just because you're offering to buy me a 750! [​IMG]

    GSXRGIRL Guest

    LOL...I was actually talking to Papa. [​IMG]
  10. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    BBS lesson of the day. There's this neat little icon (last one on the right) above the message a person posts. It's called Reply w/Quote and it shows the message you are replying to in your post. That way there's no confusion as to who you're talking to. Please use it, thank you! [​IMG]

    GSXRGIRL Guest


    GSXRGUY Guest

    Oh well...she found the site with the smiles [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    GSXRGUY Guest

    Hey, I'm about to get a new bike here, would ya mine [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    [This message has been edited by GSXRGUY (edited 12-10-2001).]
  14. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    I'll help.

    Paige, tell your dad to give Michael a 750 so you can ride the SV [​IMG]
  15. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    That's one honeymoon picture you're not supposed to show in public! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest


    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing

    GSXRGUY Guest

    Gee, thanks Guo. That really helped. I'm sure I will have one under my tree now [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing
  18. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    Hey now, when Guo talks people listen! [​IMG]

    It's usually followed by hysterical laughter, but at least they listen. [​IMG]

    GSXRGUY Guest

    I guess that's why I'm still laughing [​IMG]

    Michael Roberson #66
    Robey's Racing
  20. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    If you think throwing a 750 at me is gonna buy you some of my lovin', you're dreaming, woman. It's gonna take at least 1000 CC. [​IMG]

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