Chief, we can't talk about that here...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by pickled egg, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. speeddaddy

    speeddaddy Well-Known Member

    Exactly. It’s called freedom, something these left leaning dudes seem not to understand.
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I already explained this - Simply put it's in large part because the CEO's normally get percentage bonuses and a lot of them have stock as part of their pay - which goes up with the value of the company rather than a set amount like a normal worker. Normal workers would shit if the company lost value so they lost part of their pay.

    That's not all of it of course but it is part. The rest is because the workers are only so valuable. A good CEO that is increasing the value of the business is worth more when the business is doing well. It's pay based on the job you're doing. Your job as a worker is to produce the widget. That is worth only so much. If however the company is selling a lot more widgets due to the CEO's work - that job is worth more.

    Not sure why this is so difficult.
  3. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry for these dumbasses who live in a country that happens to produce the highest amount of millionaires, encourages ingenuity and business growth. No one has ever shown any evidence of another country who does 'us' better and yet, all these people do is belly ache about others making more money and/or how unfair the USA is. Make no mistake about it, that mindset is a byproduct of Liberalism and it's sickening to see grow. How many times have we heard stories about people emigrating to the USA, busting their hump and starting their own business which leads to them being wealthy??? How many??? How many who are non-white???

    Jase, again, what's stopping YOU from starting up your own business?
    If YOU risked YOUR time, sweat, blood and $$$$$$ to start YOUR very own dream business and it winds up being a multi-million dollar success, why is anyone else ENTITLED to YOUR sacrifices, risks and wealth, other than being compensated for whatever position they're in????

    Do you actually believe if you were in that position, that you'd pay people 50-100% MORE than what it costs to replace them???
    And if so, I'd ask how many Liberal owned businesses do that today and who are they???
  4. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    I did the math several years ago, so my numbers may be a little off now. If the CEO of Wal-Mart took his entire salary and split it up evenly with all of the workers, it was about a $1200 a year increase. So the CEO works for free, and Johnny Uneducated gets $100 more a month. What an evil rich bastard that CEO is :rolleyes:
  5. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    It is interesting to hear arguments about how the system is as it should be from people who swallowed the 1950's factories and return of coal propaganda. What happened to the outcry over job outsourcing and all? Put Americans back to work, middle class, blah, blah, blah.

    The automation of labor over the next 100 years will make the last 100 look tame. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the world is headed toward universal basic income and a massive portion of the world that are flat out unemployable. Our very near future is not going to be driven by human labor (or intelligence) on a day to day basis.
  6. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    I have never scammed anyone in my life. I give people choices to make and they make them.

    Also, did you read my third and fourth sentence, where I basically said exactly what you said? Your hard on for argument with certain people is interesting.
  7. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    Just because it's awesome, 3D printed bridges

  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Your last post about the training you sold schools sure as hell sounds like a scam to me....
  9. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Some facts to consider.
    The women's lib movement moved women out of the home and into the workplace in a relatively short time period which effectively doubled the number of workers. More available workers means the value of the average worker goes down.
    Our immigration system switched to favor uneducated, poor immigrants rather than more educated job creators thus putting more pressure on the working class. The more competition for available jobs you create, the more wages are depressed.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Sure you don't mean World War II rather than womens lib?
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Those are factors, however the fact that remains, absent artificial controls (unions, minimum wages, etc.), your value is what it costs to replace you.
  12. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    How does weight figure in, is more good or bad?
  13. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    During the war, the women replaced men who weren't there plus there was an inflated need for production. After the war women went back home and men went back to work here instead of fighting a war.
    That was my parent's generation when not many women worked, thus the Baby Boom. The women in my generation went into the workplace, heavily influenced by feminism.
    And in my kids' generation, women are expected to work just as men are with some exceptions.
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    After the war not all the women went back home - leaving a lot of men out of work. Point being the issue of women working started before the full on womens lib of the 70's.
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It doesn't unless you are referencing Pounds Sterling.
  16. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    No they didn't and a fair number of the men didn't come home. For the most part, they did return to gender stereotypical roles.
  17. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Lowest black unemployment in a long time and lowest hispanic unemployment since the class was created. :Pop:
  18. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    You're missing my point. I've said plenty of times that i dont think a regular worker should make anywhere as near the CEO of the company. Where did a say that I want people to make 50-100% more that what it cost to replace them, where did i say that?

    If I were to start a multi-million dollar success company, and the worker is doing a good job, then i would give him the same 3-5% increase as me. That worker would in turn think that he's appreciated and get more work done.

    I will say again; I'm in NO way saying that a regular worker should make as much as a CEO or even close to what CEO makes.

    Lets crunch some number:

    CEO makes 5,000,000 per year. Company is doing well, Jase gets a 5% increase, the 250,000.00
    Worker 75,000 per year. Company is doing well, worker gets 3% increase thats 2,250.00
    If the worker got a 5% increase like the CEO, that would be 3,750.00.
    If the company is doing well, why not reward the workers with a 5% increase like the CEO?

    Again, i'm not saying a reg worker should make as much as a CEO.

    *EDIT - I also dont think people should get equal pay. Worker and manager shouldnt have equal pay.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  19. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    No I don't.

    That person that is so dependent on your largess doesn't get paid unless it makes money, you willing to work free until it does. Oh how about putting up your house as collateral. Now you are going to say yeabutt and trot out the big corporations where the CEO did not create the company. That tiny minority does matter however they are the exception. Further they usually excelled and worked hard to get a chance to earn what they do. Of course we could also cut the sports figures salaries. While we are at it lets be sure the camera people , monsters and supporting actors get the same pay as the star.

    Or we could keep preaching to each his need, from each his ability. It never works and usually brings chaos and death but maybe this time will be different.
  20. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    The percentage argument again? I tried that a couple years ago with oil company profits and caught grief from more than one person here. Now, when you want the logic to work, it suddenly makes sense..

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