So CCS is there this weekend. And I really like that track. It got me wondering, why does WERA not go there? Did they ever? I thought they did but dont see it on any schedule this year. I mean we have plenty of rounds in the SE right now, so I am not complaining, but just curious Oh and on a side note for moderators. If you search for something (like "carolina Motorsports Park") the trackday section can still be seen. Not sure how you guys "hid" it, but the permissions seem a bit jacked up
First year it opened WERA was there several times. IMHO the track didn't flow from one section to the next.
CMP was definitely on the schedule last year. I made the trip down from Pittsburgh. The turn out was ridiculously low. For example IIRC formula 1 had 2 entries... Pretty sure Mongo didn't run there again this year because of low turn out... That track eats tires! Ride safe, AAron
The last few turns have changed since it first opened, and fixed the flow some, but that is what I like about it. You have to FIND the flow, and it is damn physical to ride with all the braking and such. Nashville has no flow and we still go there . That is unfortunate. I wonder if the turnout was due to timing more than the track itself? When the race was in relation to other races or whatever As far as tires, I dont think it eats them anymore than Jennnigs does these days.
I didn't say that was the reason why WERA doesn't go there it was my reason I never went back after that season.
Yep, WERA used to go there but IIRC last year nobody showed up. With the SE schedule already packed, just doesn't make a lot of sense. I do like the track a lot better with the new/revised T12 (i think).
give it a try since they changed T12-13. They use the increasing radius turns rather than the bus stops now
I didnt even know they changed T12, I hated that section. I only raced there once a long time ago and didnt like it much at all... T8 was the best part.
The only thing i dont like about CMP is T1. T1 sucks. I like a fast, flowing T1 like Roebling, Barber, Tally, Road Atlanta and shit like that. I always fuck up T1 at CMP because i try to take it too fast and it messes up the rest of them.
Because you are an impatient tard who cant grasp the concept of slowing down in one to go FASTER in T2-3 and down the short chute to T4. Its not the tracks fault you are a jackass
CMP is a fun track, the "kink" (turn 10) is definatly a pucker factor of "10" every lap.. really lets you know your alive. I never rode it before the increasing radius section was changed from the "stop n go" turns near the end of the lap, but would have hated that. Sad im not there this weekend
I feel that way sometimes too.. I hear ya about T1, but it was a nice change i guess. Cool set up for Turn 2 and 3 though, building speed flipping back n forth..
Try saving a front end tuck in T10 and running off for pucker factor :wow: I made it, ACROSS T11, and almost to T14 before I could get it stopped in the dirt. Took my WIFE to actually tell me what i was doing wrong there. I came in and was like "I cant get the bike flipped for T2 and it is blowing my speed through that whole section" she goes "slow down in T1" :up: I was like WHAT? slow down on a race track? But it worked
rolling off the gas a bit helps too, but yea.. she might be on to something. Charging too hard to T1 gets you off line a bit to set up for T2! She sounds like a keeper!
Yea, I was running it all the way to the edge on exit of T1, which put me wide on exit of T2, which made T3 slower, and slow all the way to T4. A little slower in T1, allowed a wider faster entry to T2, and faster all the way to T4. She knows more about riding, from observing, than a lot of guys know who actually ride LOL
Doing more FL region stuff, and gonna miss a few rounds of that series as it is a VERY long schedule.. and gotta find time to fit in harescrambles!! Have one in N.FLorida next weekend. Finding the balance of not roadracing and still doing it, I love roadracing, just don't love the money that ya have to spend to do it .. We all can relate im sure.