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Carb issues

Discussion in 'Tech' started by zippytech, Aug 27, 2024.

  1. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    Carb issues, When I run the bike with stock air box and filter the bike idles fine but taking off it sputters, if I remove the air boots it runs fine, I have tried several adjustments, and the carbs been cleaned and rebuilt. Any idea what I am missing?
  2. CBR723

    CBR723 Well-Known Member

    Well if u take away air restrictions and it gets better then you are rich at that throttle opening whether that is pilot circuit, needle area or main. There is some overlap depending on the throttle position. Before chasing tail on carb issues is everything on motor healthy?
  3. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    Seems to be, what is odd is that the bike pulled smooth up to about 70 or so then just kind of stayed there, so after looking at the slides I noticed 3 was not lifting up when giving it gas. So, I install slides from another set of carbs I had and that fixed the top speed issue but also created the bog when taking off. So, after cleaning and new seals and o-rings I reinstall the carbs and have the same bog right at takeoff, even tried the other carbs I have. same problem till I remove the boots. then it runs and pulls as should
  4. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    84 cb650sc by the way.
  5. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes

    Main jet is only working when 3/4 to WFO. Ive found often times one cleaning is not enough...
    zippytech likes this.
  6. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes

    Are the slides cable operated or diaphragm? If dia check those for cracks or holes.
  7. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    diaphragm, I have looked them a few times and just a small amount of air to the into the air filter side and they lift nicely. but the issue is just at takeoff , once past that it runs great.
  8. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    all jets are stock size
  9. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Off idle to a few thousand RPM is controlled by the slide needles. Make sure the needles on the new slides are the same configuration and height as the other set that used to work.

    Some needles hace different clip positions that make a huge difference in how the bike runs. Other times you may need to add a washer under the needle to richen the bike up.
    zippytech likes this.
  10. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    You swapped slides? Were the old slides drilled by any chance?
  11. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    That I don't know
  12. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    Pull one of the 'new' slides, stand it on end next to one of the old slides and look at the bottoms. There should be one or more tiny holes in the slide, jet kits would often have you drill one or more of those holes, or maybe even plug one to alter the speed at which the slide responded to changes in throttle opening. Compare the holes and see if they match.
  13. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    Thanks, I will check this
  14. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    As far as I can see everything is stock
    the fuel screw stock should be 2 and 5/8ths.

    but with air filters and air box cover off the bike runs great at 3/4 turn.. why would it be so far off?
  15. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    On a carbed bike, any big change you make to the induction system typically requires an idle mixture adjustment, main jet change, and maybe a pilot jet or needle change as well.

    From the carburetors perspective, you are changing the pressure at the carb inlet for all RPMs.
  16. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

  17. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    And if you have any of the vent/etc plumbing wrong on that airbox, that can cause the carbs to REALLY be unhappy.

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