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Can someone explain why...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by RCjohn, May 6, 2003.

  1. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    ... the liberal media is all over ousting the Univ. of Alabama football coach for going to a strip bar then having a stripper at a hotel room but...

    they think the President in the oval office with a 21 year old intern is okay and is his private business? :rolleyes:
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Do you want my opinion why?
  3. Evil Dave K

    Evil Dave K Well-Known Member

    Or mine? :D
  4. EB3

    EB3 Well-Known Member


    While I agree that this story is probably overblown, I have not detected any "liberal" slant in it's reporting. I was in Birmingham this past weekend and it was all they could talk about, but that is very normal in Alabama regarding anything about Crimson Tide football.

    It's also getting a lot of play in the national media, along with the Larry Eustachy/Iowa St. story, but that's just because of the similarities. The media lives for stories like this.

    Where's the liberal slant to this coverage?
  5. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Re: huh!?

    There has to be for this discussion to be any fun. :p
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Yep, yours and the Evil one. :D
  7. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    You sure its the 'liberal media' and not the ultra-conservative tight-asses ???
  8. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    He's ba-a-a-a-ack!

  9. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Re: Re: Can someone explain why...

    I actually don't think there is any political bias to the situation but there are an aweful lot of left wing rednecks running around wanting the coach fired but when it was the idiot the voted for(Clinton) they were all screaming "right-wing conspiracy about a personal matter". Just a huge double standard with the liberal pussies. The right wing is at least consistant with their tight-assed view... well most of the time. ;)
  10. Kevin Crauswell

    Kevin Crauswell Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Can someone explain why...

    YOU GO MAN ! Yes double standards.
    As long as the DEMON-RATS are correct, well that makes the
    world right. We, reserved, right wing tight asses,(PUSSIES)
    don't know shit and have to have a DEMON-RAT
    tell us whats RIGHT AND WRONG. We don't even know what
    is best for our family. Shit ! I might as well join the DEMON-RATS
    right now and get it over with........
    it could happen.....
    like never in a zillion years!
  11. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

  12. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    "red-neck liberals?" Isn't that like an oxymoron or somethin'? :confused: :Poke: :p
  13. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    Re: Re: Re: Can someone explain why...

    How does one differentiate left-wing from right-wing rednecks??:confused:
  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Can someone explain why...

    It's easy... I'm a right-wing redneck. :D

    Actually I'm not way to the right but it is much funner to be far right when in this forum. ;)
  15. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    why are bringing Clinton into it..... there have been a lot of presidents with ex-curricular activities...

    Just ask yourself.....would you send you kid to play for the University of Alabama??

    these coaches are supposed to lead and mold young players, I think it’s a major black eye on the program.
  16. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I brought Clinton into it because he is the best and most recent case to prove the double standard.

    My point is that Clinton's ass should have been punted just as this coach should have been punted. Going to a strip bar is one thing but this guy went way overboard and has problems.
  17. Team Atomic

    Team Atomic Go Go SOX!

    congress tried to impeach him....and lost....
  18. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    Punting a President is a little more disruptive and a much bigger deal than punting a football coach. Perhaps Clinton should have been punted, but put aside your dislike for the man and think about would that have been the best thing for the country if they had punted Clinton when they were trying to? We may never know, but I doubt it.... Besides that, Gore would have been prez, and I'm not sure which is scarier! ;)
  19. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    As usual, you're wrong. Clinton was Impeached. There were Articles of Impeachment passed by Congress. That means he was Impeached. He was not convicted and removed in his trial, but he was still Impeached.

    If any CEO of an American company was caught getting a BJ from an subordinate in his office he'd have been fired immediately and probably have to face Sexual Harassment charges. Clinton should have gotten the same treatment.
  20. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Just like the 3-4 dozen military officers that got the boot during his administration.

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