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Bias nature or real life?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by XFBO, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    So Im sitting here on a rainy day reading various headlines/articles from a bunch of different sites including snopes, factcheck.org and a few editorial types and I find myself wondering if Im the only one who reads/finds bias in them?

    For an ex: Right now on Yahoo's homepage they have>
    Why couldnt it be that the polls 'suggest' Obama has a dbl digit lead?

    A family member of mine just recently sent me an email about each candidates tax plan, asking me if the claims are true.

    Ive checked on snopes/factcheck, they seem to almost make excuses for Obama's proposed policies they'll claim false on a particular item but yet if you read their entire reply it's not too far from the claim at all. For an example, on estate and dividends tax, I think McCain is saying:

    Claim- DIVIDEND TAX --- MCCAIN 15% (no change) --- OBAMA 39.6%
    Factcheck- Another false claim is that Obama proposes to raise the tax rate on dividends to 39.6 percent. Dividends currently are taxed at a top rate of 15 percent, and Obama would raise that to the same rate as he would tax capital gains, somewhere between 20 percent and 28 percent but likely "significantly" lower than 28 percent. This higher tax also would fall only on couples making $250,000 or more or singles making more than $200,000.

    Ok so the rate is inaccurate but the claim is TRUE no matter how you look at it, he wants to raise taxes, when McCain doesnt.
    I also notice that the marriage penalty is back on his plan. Why should a successful couple who worked their asses off on education (or not) and then work their asses off be limited to $250K together when it seems like the clearcut answer for them would be to stay and claim single since they're alotted $200K?

    Mind you, the above is just one example, the same holds true on estate tax and others.

    Maybe Ive been working too much lately and still mentally tired but it's something that Ive been noticing for months.

    So what's your take, am I the biased one who sees it that way, am I making a mt out of a mole hill on word play or have some of you seen it too?
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008

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