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Any news on Morris?

Discussion in 'General' started by tiggen, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    I'm pretty sure John Tiggen was the man. He's a mensch. Sowega and Stephen Laffoon also helped out. You got more friends than a barrel full of monkeys. Hey, wait...
  2. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    They can't be monkeys, they're not from the West coast!!!;)
  3. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    I have a request for all of you good people: yes I haven't been paid for 2 months but Kathy and I are managing. I have managed to max a credit card but hopefully by not racing much if at all in the coming season I will be close to caught up someday soon. Plus by working WERA tech I'll be rolling in the dough!:D
    Many of you have generously offered your support financially to me and good West coasters are even producing a T-shirt to sell with profits going to me. I cannot thank you all enough and will be forever in your debt.

    My request is, as I am alive and getting better everyday, to have your generous offers of support be used to help all racers avoid serious injury on track. I would like any donations to me to go to either Air Fence or any agency that supports seriously injured racers.

    Thanks again for your concerns for me, but unless my brain slips out of orbit, I would be so proud to have funds donated in my honor to any racer benevolent cause!

    Cheers mates!:beer:
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Morris, you're still not as good looking as me but that's pretty freakin' cool. :)
  5. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    well then, when and where will I see your ugly puss in person so I can make an accurate assessment? Sides you need a great big kosher hug!:D
  6. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Figured I'd post an update. Just got back from the doc and he says I look good. One interesting discovery though: my rib cage on the left side has moved permanently about an inch forward of the right. That would explain the pain there as the bones and the places they attach are adjusting to the newish location. Looks funny, and at first I thought it to be a booby thang!
    Karl, hope you are progressing as well, although you'll never have my good looks!!!:D

    So excited at the new race season that is right around the corner!:beer:
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Did you ask him out?
  8. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    You really need to find a new line.
  10. Karl_L

    Karl_L Well-Known Member

    Worst kind of booby thang ever! But I'm glad it's healing and I hope it will finish the job soon, hurt ribs just never give you any peace while they mend.

    It's all about the symmetry, I don't have any either! Funny, my left collarbone now has a big lump that my right does not. The ortho doc says that if they hadn't been watching my head then likely I would have had a plate put in. But since it's almost healed now and it doesn't affect my range of motion there is nothing to be done about it now. One last x-ray next week & he'll be done with me. My nuero doc told me to go away and not come back & my GP says to come back in a year.

    And my family all think I'm nuts for looking forward to going racing this year.
  11. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    What do you think???:D

    You need to talk to Kathy. My family can't believe that I even want to smell another bike! I explained it's like heroin!!!
    Now I need to find me a 2-fiddy!!!
  12. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Well it has been a year and this same day (but the 7th) at Rd Atl was my life changing turn of events.
    As I read back thru this thread I am overwhelmed at the support I received from my WERA family. Many of you I have never met.
    And again special thanks for the support thru buying the T shirts and such and to Dave and Bill for all that was done by my monkey brothers.

    Paid my last bill to Atl Med Center last month! Have an amazing number of drum gigs coming in and will do the middle school gig one more year and retire from that. Plan to ride the race bikes again in March at Pete's Tally X-ACT weekend. If all goes well, who knows???
  13. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    This is all great to hear! Hope to catch up with you again soon, Morris!
  14. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Hey, you at Rd Atlanta this weekend???
  15. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    No, at home with the fam.
  16. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Very sobering to find this old thread. Can't wait to see most of you at Tally and later tonight catch up on some responses here that I was too out of it to answer at the time. Bless you all!:beer:
  17. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    Quit bumping this goddamn thing, I damn near had a heart attack thinking you finally decided to get back on it and then lost your shit again
  18. gixxernaut

    gixxernaut Hold my beer & watch this

    Damnit boy, you bout gave me a heart attack. Glad to see this was just a resurrected thread.
  19. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    I am not sure if my kind believes in resurrection, erection, or whatever.....

    Seriously, it is coming back every 2 yrs until I am 100.
    So 19 more times homies!:beer::D

    and no more contractions like my Ziva!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015

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