Another car thread. Wanting a sports car. Which one?

Discussion in 'General' started by assjuice cyrus, May 26, 2022.

  1. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Some things are not in need of professional ministrations...
    Don't the "soft" liners also serve to keep the sound from road debris impacts at bay?
    Made in carbon, they might as well be shaped like a bell cuz every little spec of grit is gonna make it go "tink". When something bigger hits, a pebble, poor ol' Chris is gonna think he ripped his suspension out. It won't be forever tho', all that pelting of hard, sharp debris at Broome speeds will eventually eat the carbon fiber alive.

    I did't get your sarcasm until I was done typing...
    BigBird likes this.
  2. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    This is a discussion about a non-issue. It takes two seconds to rinse the shit out of the liners with a pressure washer. Plus a decade later they won't be scratched all to shit and dull looking.
    Phl218 and worthless like this.
  3. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    You sure you're talking about the liners that look like BedRug?
  4. rwdfun


    @assjuice cyrus
    A little birdie started a rumor and since you started this thread, we deserve an update on the car.

    I think it’s relevant that you tell us which model minivan you bought too.
    BigBird likes this.
  5. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    Believe he bought a Camaro. Needed a back seat.
  6. rwdfun


    Oh I knew he bought a Camaro. My question is. Does he still have a Camaro?
    BigBird likes this.
  7. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I do not believe so...
  8. BigBird

    BigBird blah

  9. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    I will have a more in depth answer when I get time. But, yes the Camaro is sadly gone.:( It was partly for the good of the son racing and racing adventures though if that helps. :D
    rd400racer and BigBird like this.
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Damn, that was short. :(
    assjuice cyrus likes this.
  11. rwdfun


    I'd prefer it was because your wife told you you were an idiot for buying it and made you sell it so you could buy a more practical vehicle. Then we could make fun of your manhood.

    Sacrificing for your sons racing career is more admirable and frustrating because we can't make fun of you for it but, I guess new frames won't buy themselves though.
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Did his parents drive it up from the Bahamas?
    Jed likes this.
  13. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Real Short...:crackup:
  14. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    much respect!

    At least you got a taste of it. Hopefully it was a free rental!
    assjuice cyrus likes this.
  15. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Didn't have to sacrifice it. But got some good information on the son and possible opportunities that the boy would have presented to him and wanted to be prepare for them ahead of time. It was definitely the right call we just got back from an 11 day trip
    for racing. Also, we were honored enough to be asked to be partnered in the new Moto America team SWG Motorsports. We are just going to try and have as much fun doing this stuff while we can. Our family understands this will all at some point come to an end, Weather its sooner then later who knows. But we love it and we love watching the boy do what he loves. We aren't out there thinking he is the next MotoGP champion. We just want him to continue to work on gaining life lessons on and off the track.
    beac83, JJJerry, HPPT and 3 others like this.
  16. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Nothing in life is free sir. There was quite of bit of fuel ran through those cylinders and ran through really fast. :crackup:
    JJJerry and BigBird like this.
  17. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I think you underestimate our ability to poke fun at Fraley.
    assjuice cyrus likes this.
  18. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Yes, There is always a way to poke fun at Fraley. Dont be a bitch and hold back. :crackup:
    BigBird likes this.
  19. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Erik misses racing with you. He hasn't had a Ferrari turtled before the drop of the flag since you left.
    assjuice cyrus likes this.
  20. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    :crackup::crackup: I missing racing with you guys period. I still see rigs pop up for sale and Im all like. O, I should do that again. Then Im all. If only I had time again,.

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