AMA TV SChedule | "Whats's on this week?"

Discussion in 'General' started by caferace, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. caferace

    caferace No.

  2. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    when they showing super pole?
  3. vanilla4215

    vanilla4215 Well-Known Member

    I was looking at the schedule today and I noticed they are only slotted for 1 hour on Saturday to show the Superbike race and the Supersport race. I guess they are only gonna show highlights. Sucks even more then expected. Gotta wait a couple of weeks and don't even get to see the whole race. DMG sucks.
  4. eurobiketrash

    eurobiketrash Well-Known Member

    no moto races ?
  5. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    I don't care who is to blame at this point. DMG and Speed can both eat shit as far as I'm concerned.

    I'm taking the year off from caring about AMA racing, hopefully we'll either have a different chanel broadcasting it next year, or this bullshit TV deal will be improved upon to at least SDD. Strike one more fan from the record book.

    So Speed and DMG, in short summary: Go fuck yourself.
  6. OldSlowGuy

    OldSlowGuy Unregistered User

    Yeah, but we get to enjoy the Road Atlanta races on TV for a whole month!!!
  7. amafan

    amafan Banned

    They will show the Superbike race flag to flag ,and highliights of the Supersport race ,and the MotoGT race . When they first announced the show they said they would show all the Superbike races ,and all the Daytona Sportbike races flag to flag , and highlights of all the other AMA racing classes .
  8. I hope they are really good! *fingers crossed*
  9. BHakalaw

    BHakalaw Well-Known Member

    Ummmm....where's the link to prove your assertion? :crackup:
  10. RogerE

    RogerE Member

    His assertion is correct. Your assumption that each broadcast is one hour is incorrect.

    Each broadcast will include full coverage of either an American Superbike or Daytona SportBike race. Highlights of the other categories will be included as appropriate.
  11. mike w

    mike w Knarf's buddy

    you just gave amafan/twatwaffle a reason to go on living
  12. Bad Dog

    Bad Dog Well-Known Member

    Where did you get "twatwaffle" from?

    I found it on my other forum where the new owner called it, :crackup:

    I really like watching Supersport, AMA and DMG, fucking cock sucking twatwafflers, :down:
  13. chris218

    chris218 Say when................

    Thanks Roger for the conformation. Just when you think there may be some civilized dialogue...... Made me laugh out loud though:D
  14. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    Confirmation of what? That the new and improved schedule is complete garbage? That it will get worse ratings than the previous offering because 90% of the current fan base is not going to make plans to watch races they already know the outcome of? Let alone at 11pm on Saturday. My assertion is that most will DVR it, watch it when they please and speed through the commercials, IF they watch it at all. When the numbers come back to the advertisers who bought commercial time, it will not be pretty.

    There is no way this new schedule will gain in new viewers what it loses in existing. The time slot alone guarantees that, to say nothing of the week to 2 week delay in broadcasting the races. So, even worse ratings in 09 than in 08 = no Ama Pro Racing on TV at all in 2010.... Well, at least on Speed.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  15. chris218

    chris218 Say when................

    Didn't say I liked it. They could surely show AMA races instead of another rerun of Pinks. It's hard to comprehend. If they want US viewers to be turned on to motorcycle roadracing, they should let the programmer know.
  16. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    No doubt.

    When you look down the daily Speed schedule and it's reruns of Nascar raceday, Nascar garage, Nascar practice, Nascar basket weaving, Drag race high, Pinks, Living the Lowlife, etc, it's really difficult to understand how we can't get 2 lousy hours, every week, on say, oh.... Tuesday?
  17. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    My TV entry on my DVR for the 21st shows 1 hour from 8pm to 9pm PST. So there is some disconnect somewhere.
  18. chris218

    chris218 Say when................

    I've always been taught to focus on improving your weaknesses, not your strengths. Nascrap is already very successful for DMG & SPEED. So why not show roadracing between reruns of PINKS?
  19. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised that no one else has pointed out the other impact that having no live broadcast will have.

    4th paragraph:

    That really blows for the fans that are actually at the event. I don't know if that will also apply to those events that share a world stage (Miller, Laguna Seca) but it will totally suck if the big screens show WSBK/WSS/MotoGP practice, qualifying, and racing at Miller/Laguna Seca but then go dark during all the AMA on-track stuff. Our T4 grandstand seats at Laguna Seca are right in front of a big screen and that's really the only way to keep track of what's going on all the way around the track during any of the racing. :down::down::down:

    I do see now that the Soup article does say "stand alone" events so hopefully my worries are unfounded.

    Everyone else is still screwed though. :)
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  20. mike w

    mike w Knarf's buddy

    the "new" fans DMG hopes to attract have never seen a jumbotron at a track obviously so they wont miss em

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