AllAboutBikes Magazine is looking for writers

Discussion in 'General' started by ScottyB, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Steady T

    Steady T Xaus Power

    read my blog...that's how i roll.
  2. ScottyB

    ScottyB Active Member

    I had no idea what you were talking about until you were so kind to provide me with the details. As I mentioned before, that was last year. Have you seen any type of spamming being done from the later part of last year coming into the new year? Nope...Things were done that we didn't agree with, changes were made, issues were solved. You can keep busting my balls all day long about last year, or you can give us the opportunity to move forward on a positive note. Scott
  3. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

    I was going to email but thought I'd ask here instead. So what does it pay, do you retain all copyright, license for a specific time? General story lengths? Assigned or self generated stories? Are you asking for illustration/photos for the stories too?
  4. G8rDuc

    G8rDuc N00B

    I emailed two days reply yet.
  5. ScottyB

    ScottyB Active Member

    Compensation depends solely on your experiences within this industry as it does with any job. Obviously, those who have been writing for awhile, get paid more than those that haven't. We retain all rights when it comes to editorial content. The lengths of the articles are dependent upon what the topic or focus of the article is. We assign and expect the writer to self generate original content. Illustrations and photos are a must in any articles submitted. I appreciate the interest in these positions, feel free to submit your resume for further consideration.

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