AHRMA Tech Inspection at Jennings

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Nomad, Feb 4, 2003.

  1. Nomad

    Nomad Well-Known Member

    I will be opening AHRMA Tech at about 2 PM on Thursday at Jennings so
    everyone will have a chance to get through without too much of a
    wait. You must be finished with racing for the day before you arrive
    at Tech. First, you must register at the event, then have your
    teched. Bring the leathers, boots, gloves, and helmets to Tech.
    AHRMA does require a back protector but it can be built in to the
    leathers or it can be a separate item. Then bring your race bike up
    our scrutiny. I don't think that there will be any real problems.
    Our safety wire rules are spelled out at the rules section of
    www.ahrma.org. The short simple version is that if it can fall off
    or has oil behind it, it must be safety wired. I am pretty
    particular about brake stays and Roger is concerned about drive chain
    master links. If you have any questions, email me at [email protected] .

  2. limy_1

    limy_1 Crash Starter

    Your putting words in my mouth:rolleyes:
    Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

    The reason for the comment of Roger is concerned with masterlinks if in regards to Daytona.
    Daytona is the longest & fastest track we run.
    If it can fall off, it will.
    This should not be misconstrude safety is always a concern.

    Master link clips were never designed for re-use.

    New clips are good, "goop" is better in combination & safety wire is best though understandably the most difficult.

    Roger - AHRMA
    Pit Nazi
  3. Yamaha Fan

    Yamaha Fan Well-Known Member

    Jennings Tech

    I am a WERA rider and not sure if I am going to my F-RD in F-500 AHRMA, but wanted to say thanks for the heads up on your tech schedule and requirements, it made it allot easier to know I am ready to race with your organization if I decide to..

    seems about the same as WERA as far as safety wire on our 2-strokes....
  4. Nomad

    Nomad Well-Known Member

    You probably shouldn't have said that because I still have your email.

    Having said that: I think that riveted links are the best, but we don't require them. I personally think that the best method of securing a spring clip is a piece of "refreshment" can material cut to about 1/4" by 3/4". Slip it under the clip, and fold both ends over. Never reuse it. It is simple, easy to install, and cheap.

    Additionally, I should have reminded riders that AHRMA requires a "Kill Switch" that is handle bar mounted and close enough to the riders hand that they don't have to remove their hand from the grip to use it. After all, the time that you need to use it is usually the the time that you really don't want to let go of the bars.


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