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Advice Required RE: Racing Incident

Discussion in 'General' started by t500racer, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    Pretty difficult to do when you're lying in the woods with a broken leg.
  2. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Rub some tussin on it and walk it off, pussy!

  3. iagsxr

    iagsxr Well-Known Member

    ^ This in theory, but I'd still knock the kid down next chance I got.

    If you're worried that it will be too long after the original incident you can remind him why while he's still on the ground. That's one good thing about bikes vs. cars. It's hard to communicate with the guy you just wrecked in a car other than via hand signals.
    Gorilla George and Gino230 like this.
  4. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe EV Hater

    My name is Inigo Montoya
    You broke my leg
    Prepare to die!
  5. Rub some dirt on it!
  6. ClemsonsR6

    ClemsonsR6 Well-Known Member

    But not difficult when about 10-12 beeb members show up to an event on dirty bikes where this Forbe's kid is and then there's an accident in the woods where he's left on the ground with a broken leg.
    Dragginass and t500racer like this.
  7. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

  8. t500racer

    t500racer Never Fails To Fail

  9. t500racer

    t500racer Never Fails To Fail

    Yesterday's x-rays show the bones are healing but not fully healed, ortho says ther are still gaps that need filling in. He wants me to start walking without crutches now. Stuck inside the damn boot for another month.

    Ankle is totally screwed. No flexibility, lots of pain, swollen. Looks like I will be doing the Ankle Alphabet for the next few months.
  10. jksoft

    jksoft Well-Known Member

    I was reminded of this thread by a conversation I overheard at a woods track training session this evening. A fast rider who wins local races (name withheld, but it's not Cole Forbes) was at the Ironman this past weekend. He said he got tangled up with someone who had "chopped off" his front wheel and they both went down. They started yelling at each other, then according to the rider, the other rider didn't get up fast enough so he ran over him. No word on how the other rider made out.

    It really caught me off guard as I was not expecting someone to be so proud of their actions, but I guess he thought it made him sound "tough" or something.

    How are you healing up @t500racer ?
    Phl218 and Razr like this.
  11. t500racer

    t500racer Never Fails To Fail

    Thank you for asking. I'm four months post-op now. Full weight bearing as tolerated, no high impact (no running, jumping, treadmill, dirt bike shenanigans).

    Pain and swelling have reduced somewhat over the last few weeks, but are present daily. Doctor says the bones are healing well, but four of the screws have sheared off inside the bone. Doc says this isn't a problem "until it becomes a problem". The plates are becoming quite pronounced because there just isn't any meat on my lower leg.

    I can't hobble too far yet, maybe 1/4 mile on a good day, and maybe 1.5 to 2 hours standing on my feet working before the leg needs to be propped up and iced.

    Currently trying to reverse the muscle atrophy in the leg and lack of flexibility in the ankle joint. The ankle is proving to be an issue, especially walking on uneven terrain because it doesn't flex much. I've fallen a few times. The lack of muscle is causing strain on the knee and hip, which ache significantly at night.

    Doing stretching and strengthening exercises every day as much as pain allows. Joined the Y to use the pool, have been in the water religiously 2-3 times a week doing my own therapy routine and swimming laps. The water is great because there is next to no pain. It's getting out of the pool, walking across wet locker room floors and the long walk back to the vehicle that are nerve wracking and painful.

    Taking CBD and a couple other supplements, but I don't think they are helping. Also eating an anti-inflammatory diet.

    It is proving to be a much longer, frustrating and more painful process than I first imagined. I understand now how easy it is for people to become addicted to pain medication. There were moments I would have taken anything in any amount just to be able to work a full day or walk or sleep without pain. I've only taken ibuprofen throughout, and trying to use it sparingly.

    I went to get on the street bike the other day, but as I swung the aching leg over the bike, I realized it was going to be a miserable experience and decided against it. Maybe if there was a WERA championship at stake (not a regional one)...
    DmanSlam and stk0308 like this.
  12. t500racer

    t500racer Never Fails To Fail

    There is a very different mentality among many (not all) off-road racers, and it's not a good one. The total lack of accountability doesn't help, aided by the unwillingness of race organizations to deal with the issues, or even address them for that matter...
  13. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Good Lord. “Hang in there” seems a lame thing to say, but still - Good luck with the continuing recovery.

    On a more adolescent note, I think I’d be fighting the urge to wait for the lil scheisse that did it with an ax handle and put it across his knee caps.
    Yzasserina likes this.
  14. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew EeVee range testor and subsidy recipient

    So I was laid up for 9 months of this year. Lost a whole lotta leg muscle since I was 8 months of non weight bearing/wheelchair bound. I slept with my feet raised above my heart. Kept the sodium intake down and did daily "ankle rolls". Easy to do without even thinking... My balance is about 60% returned strength is maybe 80%... its hard to do squats without holding a wall or railing. I was using the hip & leg press machine at PT 4 times a week... it didnt take long to get to the machine weight max.
    Another facet of my recovery was 4 months of daily HBO and I purchased an oxygen concentrator to wear when I sleep. Those tough days where my feet were screaming/painful because of the atrophy are in the past now. I had "consulted" a pain management doc who wanted to try a tens unit and some high doses of gabapentin, The lobby of the place looked like "addicts are us" so yeah manage what you can with OTC.
    t500racer likes this.
  15. t500racer

    t500racer Never Fails To Fail

    I just keep thinking about Mick Doohan's leg injury (among others) and telling myself this is nothing, just a couple of bones...
    stk0308 and Razr like this.
  16. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Wow, keep up the fight. This makes me wonder if my thoughts of getting back on the big track with a motorcycle are stupid? Especially when I have a go kart that is waiting to be used at work, almost ready to go.
  17. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Karts are a lot of fun.
  18. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe EV Hater

    U got itchy balls or an itchy vagina?
  19. Christopher Graybosch

    Christopher Graybosch Well-Known Member

    Some people get theirs eventually. Some people deserve to get their ass beat.

    Your pick
  20. RichB

    RichB Well-Known Member

    Thiiiiissss. Make a promise to self or family that all bad deeds shall be punished accordingly. Once you internalise that and the associated consequence for living by it, it ceases to be difficult and is okay.
    Gorilla George likes this.

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