YO KEITH!....are you frikkin kiddin me man????....Dude! My wife is coming down from Atlanta with a friend of hers for this cancer run thing in Jax that weekend, fack (kinda). Jennings?....I'd be all over that if it wasn't for the wifes visit sir. Appreciate the offer man! Raincheck? I've always wanted to try one of your beasts. Have fun man.....I always liked Jennings.
Happy birthday Charlie, you don't have to say your sorry to me. Fact is, go look at Speedhive and find the times on any V2 race where Cook or Wilson completed the race and their times were not a good bit quicker than mine or Gault's(also has a V2 RD400) times. Look at the F500/V1/350GP last year at Barber. Marrow was on my bike and he was near 3 seconds slower than Cook. We'll see where Sean puts them but a simple look at track times tell the facts and the fact is the stock RD400s are not as fast.
I do have to, out of respect man. THATS interesting data....maybe I am off....RD400 sure does SOUND pretty darn fast man! Thanx for the well wishes sir.
Some ramblings from an almost 10 year non participant in the Northeast. Several of the recent posts in the thread are straying back to bike xyz won't competitive in its "new" class. This is just going to be a fact of life I am afraid some of the V1,V2, V3, F500 bikes are going to have to accept. No way to go from 7-10 classes down to 2-3 without this happening. Which leads me to my next point which may actually have some relevance. Since I started paying attention to WERA vintage, circa 2003, the V1-V5 and F500 classes have been primarily superbike rules with certain machines often with limited modifications(SS) indexed into a class where they could be competitive or possibly as a means to increase grids. A lot of the discussion seems to be around the indexed bikes, CB350 in GP350, SS RD400 in V2, Ninja 250 in V5, etc. I don't want to call these grid fillers but in my understanding that was kind of the purpose. They were indexed in with the intention of giving them a place to race but specifically not be class beaters. I think grids have been so thin that we are use to seeing indexed bikes cleaning up(and showing up) because no class dominant bikes are there. I think its well documented at this point that a SS RD400(V2) is no match for a full spec V1 CB350 or even a full spec V2 SR500 for that matter, but again I don't think it was ever intended to be. I think it might add some clarity if thats even possible to eliminate the indexed bikes from the discussion with the exception of the stocker CB350's in GP350 since they are popular and really have nowhere to go but up anyway. I have changed my mind a number of times reading thru this but I think lump the GP classes together, next class is lumping V1, V2, V3, and F500 together which in reality a good portion of the V1-V3 bikes are eligible for F500, and then V4 & V5 together. GP bumps to the mid weight if they want, mid to V4/V5 or whatever modern class they fit into. This coming from someone who if, er I mean when I return was going to be on a V2 spec SS RD400...
Jennings. Sat,Sun, or monday,whichever has the best weather.We are shooting for Sunday and monday....less entries usually.
Around $150.00 for a full day Sat or Sunday. $100.00 for a half day, after lunch break. Monday is a little over 100.00 for all day.And very sparsely populated. I had several sessions to myself last time. Just me. It was glorious on a tz250.
Okay - on the classes for 2018 - there will be no major rule changes or combining of classes. If you usually run one of the classes that is not longer running all of the series then just ride up to the class you're legal in. So the 350GP bike will ride up to 500GP - just like bumping up last year. Same for the V1/V2 - ride up to V3 or wherever you think your bike will work best for you and so on. Based on the input here I'm not seeing a need to do a combined class or even modify the rules more than the usual off season tweaks. I also think after this thread, a wholesale change to classes would create more confusion than it would help anything
Sean, just want to be sure I'm good with my F 2 stroke bike to run V5 as primary class. 1985 RG400, not a hybrid, built to F 2 stroke rules, only update is front end, upside down salvage Suzuki forks, axial brakes, 4 piston. Per V5 rules USD forks are allowed.
Are you going to put V5 and V3 back together, so Gp 500 can bumb up to V3 and V 3 can bumb up to V4 ? . As of now you have GP 500 , V3 and V4 all together. No bumb up classes, We always ran V3 and V 5 together so there were bumb up classes for people ???
Axial = old school disc brake setup, vintage legal depending on class Radial = modern disc brake setup, definitely not legal in F 2 stroke per the rulebook