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suck it samuel jackson, i have one IN MY TOILET

Discussion in 'General' started by tophyr, Aug 8, 2022.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    He can have the truck.
  2. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Funny this coming up again, given the events of last night…

    Never reproduce with a spiteful covert narcissist. Your children will forever be their conduit to try and fuck with you.
    cav115 likes this.
  3. kz2zx

    kz2zx zx2gsxr2zx

    The trick is getting them to reveal themselves before it's too late.
  4. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    There's a hole some-damn-where in the cab: I had a mouse build a nest in the glove box a couple of months ago.

    Maybe the snake was looking for the mouse?

    I would be totally cool with it coming through the truck at night on mouse patrol... just GTFO before I go to work!
  5. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    If he'd escaped under the seat I'd have been stranded.

    Just glad I saw it while I was standing beside the truck... if it had slithered across my lap while I was driving, I'd have crashed. No question.
  6. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes

    No reason to Panic, its just a gray rat snake, it cant possibly hurt you.
  7. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Dude! It could have crawled up his pants leg and bit him on the whammer hammer!!!! Non poisonous or not, on the wing wang!! Then he’d have to had to go to the hospital and explain that a snake bit him on purple headed yogurt slinger!! He have had to call into work and explain he can’t come in because a snake bit him on the magic man mushroom!

    to top it off, the people at work would all know that he got bit by a snake on the one eyed wonder worm!
    “There he goes, homeboy that got bit on the penis by a snake.”
    Sabre699 likes this.
  8. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    Got a lot of names for his man parts there, Dave. :crackup:
  9. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I sent him a pic of it. :D
  10. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Approved. I have a 100% no trespassing law on dwellings and vehicles.

  11. VR45 Troll

    VR45 Troll Site Mod Upgraded to Troll. Formerly “Maximum”

    We have a big Maine Coon mix barn cat who takes care of the rats. He brings them to the porch live, plays with them, kills them, then eats half and then leaves me the other half. Sometimes he eats the whole thing. I have videos of him chowing down on them that I'll put on a YT channel when I get around to it.
    You can get a barn cats from a local ranchers. They normally have an over abundance of them. Make sure you feed them, they have clean water, vaccinate them and put good flea and tick solution on them once a month. Give them a place to hide from coyotes and a place to live. They will take care of your rat problem. No rats no snakes.
  12. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    There's a couple of them around. My cul-de-sac road has 80 acres of territory for them to cover, though. Dunno why they aren't breeding. I can't get a good enough look at them on my trailcams to determine their undercarriage, but it would be a statistical outlier if four or five animals were all the same gender.
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Maine coons kick ass! How big is your’s?
  14. VR45 Troll

    VR45 Troll Site Mod Upgraded to Troll. Formerly “Maximum”

    Put food out for them and see if you can get them to hang around your place more. Might backfire and attract skunks so you'll have to monitor it. Our barn cat weaseled his way into the house where he stays at night in a 3 floor kennel (bathroom, kitchen, bedroom) and eats. I dont put food outside now only water.
    I knew someone who bought a house in FL that had ferrel cats and the previous owner fed them. He has a stooopid dog and a wife who cant stop talking for more than 10 minutes at a time. The dog kept eating the cat food when they let him out and the cats left. Now they have all kinds of lizards, frogs, snakes, toads, big bugs, birds in their vents, etc all over the place. The cats are down the street at someone else's house hanging out enjoying the new place's chowies now.
  15. VR45 Troll

    VR45 Troll Site Mod Upgraded to Troll. Formerly “Maximum”

    he is a mix. let me check
  16. VR45 Troll

    VR45 Troll Site Mod Upgraded to Troll. Formerly “Maximum”

    17 pounds
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    My slim Jim stealing side kick was a Maine coon mix. Used to joke he was the world’s smallest Maine coon.
    VR45 Troll likes this.
  18. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    i'm mildly concerned that my toilet looks cleaner than your truck
  19. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    It's a truck. Not a show car.

    You should see the bed. Lots of shit back there. :D
    SuddenBraking likes this.
  20. VR45 Troll

    VR45 Troll Site Mod Upgraded to Troll. Formerly “Maximum”

    I give ours 1/3 of a thin slice of Spam cut into pieces. It's how we would call him from the barn at dusk. Now I give it to him for breakfast. The Costco Spam is "lower sodium" and is a lot better and less expensive treat than the dry stuff that comes in a bag from pet stores. I bought the Costco cat food recently and litter that comes in the 4 plastic bags the smells a little bit like lavender from Costco as well.

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