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hating the new motogp site

Discussion in 'General' started by sheepofblue, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. opinion914

    opinion914 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't bother w/ the app on the smartTV yet. The app is still janky. No need to plug your laptop in though - you can use a web browser directly on your smartTV and view the MotoGP website thru that just like you would thru the laptop. AmazonSilk is one web browsing app you could download and use to view the web from your tv.
  2. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    It's the navigation that sucks. While before it took one click before to get the schedule, or to go to live or whatever you needed, now you need to find the race date and try to figure where these guys put everything.

    It's quite like if the GF had rearranged all my tools(!)
    gixer1100, sheepofblue and swissrcr like this.
  3. ahrma_581

    ahrma_581 Well-Known Member

    Come on. There has to be some MotoGP fans in Mumbai.
  4. 27

    27 Well-Known Member

    Maybe they’re going to make it all perfect for their GP
  5. code3ryder

    code3ryder Well-Known Member

    Got the results spoiled because I had to log in and I was in the wrong spot. My fault I guess but it's not obvious where you are. oh well.
  6. CRA_Fizzer

    CRA_Fizzer Honking at putter!

    Impossible to navigate the Firestick app without spoilers. Thanks for that.
  7. xrated

    xrated Well-Known Member

    I fired up the MotoGP app on my Roku this morning.....earlier than I needed to, just so that I was ready to deal with all the Fucktardary. Well, well, I clicked on the app and went to the "Live" section, the pre-race stuff was on (I was still logged in) and I was ready to go. I will say however, I'm like most of you as far as hating the layout of the new website....it's a well though-out Trainwreck!
  8. Skrawny

    Skrawny Well-Known Member

    Used to be able to pause and rewind the live video feed, not anymore with the new app.

    At least with the Roku, phone you can but I'm old and want to watch on the big screen.
  9. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    This "upgrade" is terrible. I don't think they could have fucked this up more if they tried to.

    Do the people making the product use the end product, or even know what it does? This is a problem in many facets of society now. My banking app just underwent an overhaul where they made a fancy front end but removed a pile of features that I, and I presume everybody else that actually uses an online banking app would use. I tee'd off on them in an email, because I'm apparently at that grumpy old man, get off my lawn stage of life with nothing better to do with my time....
    StaccatoFan and TurboBlew like this.
  10. Riot

    Riot Well-Known Member

    Has anyone else had issues with compression “notchiness”? The bikes do not appear to move smoothly through fast corners, especially when the cameraman zooms.

    I tried different quality settings, checked my connection, no improvement.
  11. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes

    No pause or rewind on the Roku watching "Live", that kinda really sux.
  12. Namarow

    Namarow Well-Known Member

    Log on to watch only to see the F'ing results!!!! I want a refund
  13. Badger911GT3

    Badger911GT3 Well-Known Member

    It's ironic that just a couple weeks ago, a bunch of us were complaining about the Motoamerica Live+ app, and we were saying they should just copy the Motogp app design...

    I don't think I'd say that anymore.
  14. MELK-MAN

    MELK-MAN The Dude abides...

    have been using the tv web browser for years to view ma, wsbk, motogp but for whatever reason.. the new motogp site on tv, won't show my log in, or any of the video pics to choose from, just black boxes.. cleared browser history and cookies, but couldn't find a way to clear "cache" on this tv browser. the site works fine on my laptop . weird. but as you said, i won't bother with the ap.

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
  15. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    I'd like to know the train of thought behind canning the no spoiler page. The rest I can live with and get used to, but to login on to the firestick app, and immediately seeing the highlights, and all the other clips interviews and bullshit that clearly show what happened during the race, while having to scan down to find the actual race is the dumbest thing imaginable. Yeah, I pay $200 a year just to watch highlights, and interviews.... Morons.
    cbush, MELK-MAN and MachineR1 like this.
  16. sharky nrk

    sharky nrk Rubber Side Up

    yes, I had the same issue
  17. Smilodon

    Smilodon Wannabe

    Hmmm... The Roku App comes up on the "season" page, where you have an icon for each race. You pick the race and you see a list of races, qualy, practices, etc, with no other "specials" or "interviews". You have to specifically go to the main menu for that. Even with that, still not an improvement. Like everything else these days, it seems designed for a phone.
  18. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Actually a lot of what I dislike on the motoamerica site is now on motogp. Tons of pretty that just means you have to scroll and search for what you want. All while hoping you don't miss a 'button' as all controls are layered and a miss causes other nonsense. UI design died a long time ago when the jag offs at Apple deleted scroll bars for pretty.
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    UI design died when presenting a pleasant, simple experience to the end user was supplanted by measuring metrics and ensuring additional user input was necessary to inflate “clicks per visit” numbers and sell advertising.
    DJ Baker and StaccatoFan like this.
  20. superdino

    superdino Naturally aspirated twin-turbo

    I have sent a $150 invoice to Dorna, since apparently I have been hired as a beta tester. Waiting on my payday.
    DJ Baker, MachineR1 and vfrket like this.

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