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6.5 Creedmoor or .308?

Discussion in 'General' started by Kev59, Mar 23, 2020.

  1. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Call or fold. That's how it's played. :D
    motoracer1100 likes this.
  2. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    i have yet to shoot an AK that's not a POS
    RRP and Jedb like this.
  3. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Or able to keep its mouth shut.
    “Here I am, over here! Look at my blazing muzzle blast! I'm so cool!”
  4. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Not yet but I will soon.
  5. bored&stroked

    bored&stroked Disclaimer: Can't spell

    You need to shoot a gunsmith built Yugo then. That RPK receiver thickness is bee's knee's man.
    Phl218 likes this.
  6. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    I wish I knew somebody, anybody, that has bothered to acquire a quality AK. I know they're out there. Yugos? Yeah...but the rest of the available productions are AKrap, giving the whole line a bad name.
    I don't see myself going to Russia to find a really good AK. Like the AR, the AK hasn't been collecting dust.
  7. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    yeah, the range rental full auto is probably not qualifying data for my assessment :D
  8. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I know it's not quality, but I bought my Hungarian AK in 94 for $300 and it's about as much dumb fun as you can have. It's the number one rifle I own that people want to shoot when I bring a bunch out.
  9. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Can we say prudent, wanting to know the enemy? :confused:
  10. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

  11. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Why the interest from peeps to shoot the AK?
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Because they are stupid fun. Like riding a modded out CRF50.
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Reliving their fond memories of Heartbreak Ridge. :D
  14. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    To each their own, huh?
    I couldn't give two shits about 7.62 x 39 or the platforms that are supported by that cartridge. If you found a really good example, what are the ammo choices, crap, crap + p and crap super? That's like having a gold-plated toilet.
    I prefer serious tools and are not about to spend hundreds on an antiquated curiosity for a fleeting level of entertainment. It's just stupid.
    Trying out someone else's is a lesson in “things that are bad for your wallet”. It's free but, like most things free, generally a disappointment.
  15. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    The only pig I saw not shoot was due to the receiver being bent from too many airborne ops. And it would still get off a 10-20 round burst before hanging up. And that beyotch had been around for a looong time. You can drag that mother...and it weighs enough you really wanted to drag it...thru mud sand rocks trees bushes and when you pull the trigger yew ha...'Murica.

    I cut thru pickets and small shrubs/trees with her. Eff a 240 or a SAW.

    Pig or Die!!!
    gixxerboy55 likes this.
  16. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    i suppose you have never fired an HK G3 then?

    as a novice shooter in the Military, that thing got me hitting targets nicely at 400 yards - just with sights.
    admittedly, i had better eyesight back then
  17. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    H&K G3 = 7.62 x 51. But to answer your question, no.
  18. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I think it's simply because of the history behind the weapon. There's something evil about an AK. Most of the people that fire it couldn't tell a .223 from a .308. When I pull out all my stuff, it's to act like jackasses in West Virginia, nothing more. 1000 yard shots don't mean squat to me, it's all about dumb fun.

    Two weeks ago with my son and his hockey buddies...

    [​IMG]fancy restaurants in wilmington nc
    Triple X and Phl218 like this.
  19. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Buy a couple of folding tables you heathens...:D
    Triple X likes this.
  20. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    Gotcha. So, you're engaging the enthusiasm of those who have yet to be introduced to firearms? Any of 'em show any promise of wanting to be good at it?

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