Covid19 PSA

Discussion in 'General' started by R Acree, Mar 10, 2020.

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  1. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Neither was mine 5.2 million games of solitaire can get ugly....
    Senna likes this.
  2. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    So it sounds like Mnuchen want to pull a Yang and send everyone from free money.
  3. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Another update: Tyler’s roommate just got his results and he definitely has corona virus. I wonder how often people get reinfected, or if Ty is safe from this strain, this season?
  4. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Damn dude. Hopes for the best.
    TurboBlew, Shocker, beac83 and 2 others like this.
  5. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    They say they haven't determined for sure whether reinfection can occur or not. From the different people I have heard speak on the subject, they seem to be leaning towards "no," but they don't want to state that as a fact until it's known for sure.
    bacolmm likes this.
  6. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    Does he have to stay in for another 2 weeks?
  7. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    That's what I've read as well. That those initial account of re-infection may actually have been people that hadn't fully recovered yet. There have been people describing an initial hit, then a slight dip in symptoms where you seem to get a little better, then it hits again.
    bacolmm likes this.
  8. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

    Your choice. The link to the NYS document is in the linked story.
  9. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Welp, the State of Iowa just went all in and issued a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency, effective at noon on March 17 through March 31 closing restaurants, bars, gyms and other various public entities.
    I am now safe. I can only hope that all you other suckers can make it out alive. :D
    Chinese takeout anyone? :moon:
    dobr24 likes this.
  10. R1M370

    R1M370 Dr. P Ness

    I'm at a clinic now waiting to tested,,,,, SMH

    Hope it's not the covid19 :mad:
    Metalhead and bacolmm like this.
  11. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Late to the party over Captain Insensitive and his offputting comments.

    One thing to consider, which I’m sure he didn’t but from a historical/practical standpoint has merit:

    My grandparents wouldn’t have wanted to spend a month in hospital being ventilated with a grim prognosis. They would have said their goodbyes and pulled the plugs themselves.

    To utilize an exorbitant amount of resources to prolong existence for someone who has little to no hopes of recovery is foolish. It is selfish. And it is a cash cow to hospitals who get to bill insurance companies megabux because people are too self absorbed to think the world can go on without them.

    When I’m bedridden sick with a slim likelihood of recovery, drag my ass to the wood chipper and mulch the garden, and put the resources to use for someone with a future.
    SundaySocial, Metalhead and G 97 like this.
  12. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

    Ty likely has been infected as well, given the close quarters of living in Manhattan. Hopefully his case will be mild.

    As far as re-infection, they are trying to figure out if it just takes longer than when symptoms clear to actually clear the virus, or if one can be infected again with a slightly different mutation of the same virus. Corona viruses mutate rapidly, and if a new mutation is different enough, you may be able to be re-infected. But you can't get infected by the same strain twice, unless the antibodies shut down very quickly after clearing the virus.

    So much is unknown about this one at this point.
    Boman Forklift and bacolmm like this.
  13. It’s a sad thing especially since they are a very family orientated society. They are making tough decisions but the right ones for the health of their nation.
  14. So why is it not available? Because it’s still not proven in clinical testing which is what they are doing now. What they have are theories that are proven in a lab on a virus that’s isolated, but yet to be proven it can work within the human body. We all hope it works but it takes time and right now all we are trying to do is buy time which a lot of people cannot seem to understand.
    Dan Dubeau and bacolmm like this.
  15. bacolmm

    bacolmm Well-Known Member

    My guess is that unless you're older and/or have a pre-existing condition that increases your vulnerability you will not be tested but instructed to assume you have covid19 and self quarantine...
    Funkm05, baconologist and R1M370 like this.
  16. shakazulu12

    shakazulu12 Well-Known Member

    That's not even a guess. I can tell you first hand that's how they handle testing for now.
  17. I’d have out a $100 bill in my hand that I earned in my own paying for my own schooling because I came from very humble beginnings, then bitch slapped that entitled little f$cker. Every generation seems to sacrifice a bit less, I get the generality but his statements are a good reason why we are screwed when we get old. I’m sure no boomers have sacrificed at all... worst part is I wish I was shocked by his statement but I’m not.
  18. bacolmm

    bacolmm Well-Known Member

    My understanding is that a vaccine can be created very quickly however testing to ensure it's both effective and safe will take 12-18 months. The example I heard was that there once was a vaccine for Lyme Disease and some people were infected with Lyme Disease from the vaccine. All the testing is to ensure that something similar (or worse) doesn't happen...
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Almost everything around here is empty. Grocery, gas stations, Panera, the usual places that are packed when the mere mention of snow are full. Plenty of smokes at the gas station and you can still get beer so I'm good.

    They chained and locked the HS sports fields but there's a few people who hopped the fence out there getting stick time and kicking the ball around. I have no idea how my kid is going to get out on the field to shoot since I discouraged her from hopping the fence but mentioned that if she goes in that way the fence is only about 3 feet tall.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    So she can stand on your shoulders and almost reach the top? :Poke:
    jase, Funkm05, Boman Forklift and 2 others like this.
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