Monovision PRK feedback

Discussion in 'General' started by 50Joe, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    I'm considering doing this. Doc says my lens is in great shape for this type of corrective vision surgery. So, anyone on here do it? Your experiences?
  2. Potts N Pans

    Potts N Pans Well-Known Member

    I got PRK in 2012 and so far I'm still at 20/15. Mine was done by the Army and it went well.

    It was great to wear sunglasses again!! :beer:
    50Joe likes this.
  3. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    A friend had been a long time wearer of contacts for distance vision only. After having is his eyes done he needed to wear reading glasses for close up stuff. It ended up being a wash but I think he preferred it the way it was before since now he actually has to wear glasses.
  4. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    Missed that you were asking about monovision which would not cause this.
    50Joe likes this.
  5. chickenpants

    chickenpants Well-Known Member

    Monovision was a problem for me from the get go because I lost almost all depth perception. Headaches were a constant also. Ended up correcting the other eye and going with readers.
  6. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    They talked about that possibility in detail. They claim most people adjust over a few months. I wore the "glasses" they fit me with for about 15 minutes and it seemed really good both distance and reading. It felt totally normal to me but 15 minutes isn't very long to get a real test. I did more research last night I I'm going to ask them if I can get trial contact lenses or glasses I can wear for a week or two as a better trial before I proceed with doing it.
  7. chickenpants

    chickenpants Well-Known Member

    before the surgery on the second eye I wore a single contact so I could get around the depth perception problem and to also simulate the vision I would have after surgery. Don’t see why you couldn’t wear a single contact to simulate the monovision.
    50Joe likes this.
  8. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    So I got a second opinion and exam from a doc local to me. She does Lasik, PRK, lens replacement surgery, regular exams etc. She advised against Lasik or PRK at my age stating that in 3 or 5 or 8 years from now I'll be back to where I was and needing glasses again. She also advised against repeated surgery to the lens. She does lens replacement surgery and there is a relatively new trifocal lens that corrects near, far, and intermediate distance vision. But, I think it is out of budget cost wise (waiting to hear back). She did say she has had tremendous success with the trifocal lens replacement surgery and it has exceeded most clients expectations. My eyes are healthy, unfortunately in a way because if I had cataracts she could get insurance to cover a portion of the lens replacement surgery. As an intermediate I asked about contact lenses to replicate the monovision surgery. I'm on day 2 of a 10 day trial and my brain has adjusted rather quickly to monovision. It's not perfect but I can see better at distance and I can read without glasses. Only real issue is trying to scan words quickly. I need to read a bit slower to let the one eye focus. So, if the cost for lens replacement is out of my budget I may give the contact lens option a longer test run and see how it goes.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Be very very very careful of the new and improved fixes all level lenses. They talked Evelyne into that for her first lens replacement and it doesn't do shit. Made things overall much worse than a single focus lens would have.

    I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually but for now I can't see it being worth it.

    I am curious on the Lasik - why would you be back to where you are now? It doesn't wear off. Granted, it'll never fix presbyopia but reading glasses isn't the same as glasses or contacts all day long. I'd do mine again in a heartbeat even having to wear the readers the next day.
  10. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Yea, I've decided against any lens replacement surgery at this point in time. I'll wait until there is more of a track record on the trifocal lens surgery. The Lasik can only correct one condition and I'd still need glasses so it's not worth doing in my opinion (cost vs benefit analysis for myself). The contacts seem to be working so as a first step I'm going to give them a longer trial and see how I like them.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Makes sense to me.
    50Joe likes this.
  12. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    $170 for a 6 month supply of daily disposable contact lenses. When did they get so inexpensive? I haven't worn them since the 1990's. Another no brainer versus surgery and the related costs/risks.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Never wore disposables, couldn't afford them. Also pushed my extended wear stuff long enough the doc gave me grief about blood vessels in my eyes starting to grow...
  14. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    $340/yr for disposables seems pretty cheap to me to avoid the hassles of cleaning and associated problems etc. I had issues back in the 1990's with daily's before I got Lasik in 2001. There is a lot of competition on the interwebs for your contact business.
  15. WERA 904

    WERA 904 Well-Known Member

    Joe, the correction does tend to regress for hyperopia or farsightedness. Lenticular changes to your eye and tear film production will also alter vision correction over time but the latter two happen to everyone. Send me a pm if you want to discuss, I've been in the industry for a while and can get you pointed in a good direction
    50Joe likes this.

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