Anxiety/Panic Attacks

Discussion in 'General' started by Putter, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    Yes. Along with a constant pain in my chest that wouldn't go away
  2. Rhino48

    Rhino48 Well-Known Member

    that's not normal? huh....

    but seriously, yes. for 10 odd years on and off. from 5 times a day to maybe once every 6 months.

    It sucks, but you'll be fine.
  3. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    I read a post on FB about Aspartame in diet soda and other "Sugar Free" foods. Scared the crap out of me, because i have had many of the symptoms described, which often present to doctors like MS. (MY older sister died from ALS which is a cousin to MS about ten years ago.) I was looking to lose weight, which I did, but I was using Splenda, and a lot of sugar free stuff like diet soda, etc.

    I cut all of that stuff out of my diet about three weeks ago. I'm sleeping better, have not had an anxiety attack in two weeks, and my blood pressure has dropped so much that my doctor is willing t take me off BP medicine.

    Yay. Being murdered slowly by corporate greed. Yay. Slipped that hangman's noose off!
  4. Jack Brock

    Jack Brock Well-Known Member

    When my middle daughter was about 1.5 years old, she started having anxiety and panic attacks. So much so that she vomited(projectile) every night at bed time. Other than the anxiety/panic, so was a beautiful healthy little girl. We eventually happened upon a local "wellness center" that was started by a Psychologist that believed many psychological problems were attributable to poor nutrition or food allergies. They tested her for food allergies, and we eliminated those items from her diet. She also had a problem with Vitamin C absorption so we supplement heavily. Within a day or two, she was fine and hasn't had a problem since. She is allergic to sugar, so the few times she has gotten ahold of something with sugar it can get crazy for awhile. Anyway, food for thought(no pun intended). Good luck Putter
  5. iagsxr

    iagsxr Well-Known Member

    So what do you drink? Regular pop and most flavored waters taste like shit to me. I'm tried to quit diet soda several times. It's a bitch.
  6. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Drink water. Maybe put some lemon in it. Every once in a while, have a full sugar soda. The diet chemical shit causes essentially the same thing to happen, only it poisons you on top of it.
  7. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    Wasn't Cortez raving about cucumbers in his...

    water. :D
  8. SlyRy

    SlyRy Registered user

    The scariest thing with panic attacks is that you feel like you can't breathe. The best way to get over them is to just calm yourself down mentally. I had them in my early 20s and got over them without any medicine. Just tell yourself "This is a panic attack, I can still breathe." Force yourself to take S L O W breaths. Usually its an external factor causing them.

    Good luck
  9. SlyRy

    SlyRy Registered user

    Agreed. I used to take pre-workout supplements at the gym. They are of course, full of artificial sweeteners (as if all of the other crap isn't enough chemicals). In the last year or so, I've found that I've become super sensitive to artificial sweeteners. Its to the point where if I have any, it will really ruin the rest of the day with nausea. Now I have a red bull pre-workout (all 27grams of sugar :) ) and an Optimum Nutrition "natural" protein shake post workout. Feeling good so far, knock on wood.
  10. :crackup:
  11. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Infused I bet. :moon:
  12. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    Don't knock it til you try it!
  13. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    it depends... sometimes, i'll get the blurred vision, dizzy, heart racing etc. Lately, I just have uncontrollable trembling and stammering; it's ike I'm coming down with parkinsons or something. It's not as terrifying as a full on panic attack, but it is no less disturbing.
  14. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    There's alot to this, there's getting to be more and more evidence that Aspartame is bad shit. I have a friend who's brother went temporarily blind while driving down a busy interstate. Luckily he got slowed down and off to the side as it was happening. After a bunch of tests and digging they pointed to the Aspartame. He used to drink alot of diet soda, he's stopped completely and no issues since.
  15. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I've found that when the anxiety starts I have trouble finding the right words. My brain knows what I want to say but I just can't spit it out. This vision thing is pissing me off too. Things just look weird, grainy. It's hard to explain.

    So I got to watch my kid get on the bus for first grade via a text picture. Gonna be a long day.
  16. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

    Mine is pretty specific, but I have had it for as long as i can remember. The only place I have an attack is at the bottom of the staircase leading from my basement/garage to the main floor of the house. Doesn't matter the time of day or circumstances but every few days I will round the corner and freal the f00k out.

    Its pretty funny to my family members when it happens but Its no joke to me.

    When I moved out I never had issues unless I was visiting my parents, and even then not every time. In 2002 I purchased my parents house and occasionally still have the attacks, but no where near as often as when I was younger.

    I deal with it by constantly confronting it, going up and down the steps as often as possible. I use the garage as my main entrance, use the bathroom in the basement and keep my computer down there to force myself to go up and down the steps as often as possible.

    Its realy odd considering I an generally pretty unflappable.
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I got myself all wound up tighter than a ducks asshole today. No where near what you all experience but I didn't know whether to shit or go blind.
  18. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    do you get migraines, too?
  19. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Ok, this is weird. This panic stuff started for me about two weeks ago. For the last year I had a headache every day. Every single day. Some were just a nuisance but some were absolutely crushing. I finally went to the doctor and she prescribed me Flonase. I took that for a week and the headaches started to lessen and after two weeks I was feeling pretty good. And then this anxiety/panic attack shit started. I want to blame the Flonase, which is a steroid, but I know it's just all the crap in my life finally catching up to me. It just sucks (whining here). Life is not easy for anyone. We all have our issues and problems. But add in this panic stuff and it feels unbearable. 20 years ago I was a smart kid who who had big dreams so I went off to college. Boom - panic attacks ruined that for me. It got unbearable so I quit. I decided that I would just try and make a career out of what I was good at. Finally started to make something out of my self and boom - the panic attacks came back. So I self medicated. That ended up with me in an inpatient treatment center to fix all that. So I get off the drugs and booze and start a family. Well, obviously that hasn't worked out. I'm not blaming either side here - it is what it is and now I'm alone. I was starting to work that out and boom - the panic attacks and anxiety came back. I'm getting real tired of this fucking vicious cycle.
  20. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    I used to be disabled due to this stuff but now I live an awesome full life ...well except for when idiot apartment complexes have mold in their ac units...,,but any hooo
    I will chat with you on all this when I see you in person :)

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