why can't I just be myself around girls???

Discussion in 'General' started by tophyr, May 12, 2013.

  1. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    Now you know how we feel.
  2. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    you didn't come from a generation of aspiring kim kardashians. while i cynically wish the world was how you two wish it to be, for anyone 21-35, it is not...

  3. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Do you know why I face palmed?
  4. caferace

    caferace No.

    I suspect I got lucky then with my non-crazy redhead.

    YMMV as well. I'm quite happy with my catch.

  5. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    these are both my daughters in their 20's and I promise you that the guys they married did not play any stupid player games to win their hearts :)


  6. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

  7. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    without knowing any details, let me put forth two potential ideas:

    1) your daughters (while your view of them in itself may be highly influenced and emotionally charged as them being your pride and joy) may be outliers. you can't use outliers to prove a point. they remain just that. everyone hopes for such a woman to come along, it rarely ever does.

    its like watching a chick flick where every girl knows some girl, who knows a girl, who's sister dated a guy, who blah blah blah... when the reality is, banking your hopes and dreams on a diamond in the rough is a pipe dream and your energies are better utilized in other activities.


    2) she probably has him by the balls.

  8. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

  9. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Might want to edit that post before you get sent on vacation lol
  10. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    Lmfao :beer:
  11. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    And, jesus, some of you guys sound like synopsis writers for The Game. You guys realize why you think so many women are vapid basket cases with daddy issues, right? It's because those techniques only work on vapid basket cases with daddy issues. Sure, if you suck up to a chick she's probably not going to find you interesting.. who would? The chase is what develops attraction. Flat-out ignoring someone hasn't ever gotten me anywhere with a non-psycho however.

    Treat girls like real people. Don't fawn, don't ignore... just be normal. I've never heard the phrase "mind-gaming the pants off a girl"... the word is "charming" :beer:
  12. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    for the record, still together ;)
  13. SlyRy

    SlyRy Registered user

    Going after a chick with a minimum wage job (when you're all grown up), never turns out well. Took me years to figure that one out....
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  14. SlyRy

    SlyRy Registered user

    Maybe partly. I have a feeling the OP was really asking as well ;)
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Do you want a date, or to be yourself? You can't have both.
  16. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Nope. Check out a few other threads and you'll figure it out. :up:
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Dunno about dude 1 - a fauxhawk on your wedding day?
  18. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    Better than Mr Eyebrow Ring ;P

    though I can't talk, I rock the hawk now and had the eyebrow done in college
  19. theJrod

    theJrod Well-Known Member

    Well played sir!
  20. Vitamin-E

    Vitamin-E cornerin lo in the 3-1-fo

    Even though this post was a farce, it introduced me to the new concept of Captain-Save-A-Ho....so it was worth it. :D:D:D


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