Can't begin to understand

Discussion in 'General' started by vale46, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. vale46

    vale46 Well-Known Member

    Found out last night that a close friend comitted suicide because he was going to loose his job and did not want to have his family think he was a failure. He left behind a loving wife and three kids who who idolized their father. The youngest one will have never gotten the chance to know his father. While I am upset at this trajedy I can't imagine that killing himself is more a failure than than loosing a job and leaving this as his memory. I can't imaging how lost his 10 year old son, 6 year old daughter, infant son, and wife are feeling. I just don't understand. If he lost his job people would understand. In my eyes a loving family is all you need period. Money, cars and all the other shit really don't define a person it is your integrity and the love for your family that truly matter.
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Sorry for you and his family. Suicide is truly a stupid move.
  3. kz2zx

    kz2zx zx2gsxr2zx

    'm sorry you and his family are going through this.
  4. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    permanent solution to a temporary problem.

  5. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    Very sorry to hear. A cousin that I was very close to put a .38 in his mouth over a girl. My aunt that was like a big sister to me closed the garage door with car running just because things weren't going her way.

    Pretty lame excuses for both of them. All I know is that I miss them and as you said, my kids never got to know them. A shame.
  6. bitchcakes

    bitchcakes reluctant member

    Man that sucks. Seems like some real heavy bad shit happens almost every day nowadays...
  7. gerber100

    gerber100 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear it man. I to had a good friend commit suicide. Still cant belive it.
  8. gixxersmitty

    gixxersmitty Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your friend. Truely a sad situation for everyone involved.

    Truth be known, he might have been struggling with more in life than just his job. Losing the job was probably what finally pushed him past his limit. It's really easy to get into a mental rut that you can't get out of.
  9. zyre2503

    zyre2503 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that. There has to be more than just losing a job that pushed him to do so. Nevertheless, its a sad tragedy..
  10. JeF4y

    JeF4y Sweet Tea & Grits!

    Dunno man. I've been through some pretty low times and some rough crap in my short life. Every time, it comes around at one point or another and picks back up. That's just how life works. It's sad that people can't realize or grasp or deal with this as "part of the process" of life.

    Sorry for your loss.
  11. SpeedyTide

    SpeedyTide 'Bama's Bad Boy

    There was more going on in his head, than just losing his job.

    Everyone's mindset are different. People who commit suicide, murder, rape, etc., aren't in a normal state of mind. Can't be.

    Sad really.
  12. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Best wishes sent.
  13. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Understand when people are in that place mentally (contemplating and then carrying through with suicide), it's rarely if ever only one factor that brings them there. Odds are good that there were a number of underlying issues he was dealing with for some time, and he probably kept them from even those considered closest to him. Suicide in many cases is an act of ultimate desperation, brought about by an overwhelming feeling of helplessness - but know that this is not the fault of his family or friends.

    May your friend rest in peace, and thoughts for his family :(
  14. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I agree with everyone who said that it had to be about more than just losing his job. Especially if he cared so much about what his family would think of him.
  15. iomfan

    iomfan Well-Known Member

    ^ ^

    Not being able to stop or relieve the emotional pain wears any person down over time. Many don't have the healthiest of coping skills nor much emotional support. There's a big negative vibe in society to be male & reaching out for help or to be anyone asking for help. My 89 year old father took his life 7 years ago. It broke my heart but I can't really judge him as I never walked in his shoes. I don't believe he ever set out to hurt any of us as he did leave a note. He just couldn't stop the emotional pain because of what was going on in his life. He would never have asked for help. Didn't believe in it. I hate that he felt that was his only choice. But I'll ALWAYS love him as he was my dad. That's what matters IMO.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  16. ride4lame

    ride4lame Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your loss.
    I lost a friend to suicide a few months ago who took his life over a girl.
    From what I can figure out it will never make sense to me.
    I'll keep his family in my prayers.
  17. vale46

    vale46 Well-Known Member

    I never walked in his shoes either but to me know matter how bad things are when I get home and see my daughters and my wife everything else seems trivial. Like alot of you have said there has to be other things involved but you would have never in a millon years thought it was that bad.
  18. iomfan

    iomfan Well-Known Member

    I agree with you 100%. There's no way I'll understand why someone with a family doesn't "get" what's really important and what's trivial. I believe it comes down to zero relief from emotional pain clouds a persons judgement over time and affects how they view things in their lives.

    I'm sorry for your loss and to his family as well.
  19. Alex_V

    Alex_V Dump the diesel

    Jan 1st was the viewing of a dear friend of mine who pulled a trigger on himself... it's not a way to deal with problems.

    Sorry for your friend and his family.
  20. vale46

    vale46 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your wisdom and words of comfort. It is amazing that most of the people that have replied don't know me from Adam but have the time to reply to this thread that should not have to be started but things happen. The motorcycle racing community is a large group but during times like this they pull together and show support and I thank you

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