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Government Shutdown

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Sacko DougK, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    WHAT :confused: them Democrats talk all the time of cutting it. President Bush I DID cut it as did Clinton (I am sure of this as I work in the defense industry).

    As to the percentage in 2010 Medicaid and Medicare were LARGER than defense and Social Security as large with the debt 4 points behind it. When the wild printing of money causes inflation the debt will likely pass it also. I agree there is waste but in comparison the military budget contains little waste to most agencies. The media also tends to lie about it, remember the $800 toilet seat? Find out what it fit, how much it had to weigh and how many G's it had to withstand while someone was dumping. Remember the hammer fiasco? Well it is true that the government could have gone to Sears and picked up as good a hammer for FAR less BUT they would not have accepted it. Yep the government mandates level of testing and other stuff that drove the cost up.

    At most 10% is realistic and sadly with the expanding wars/actions we are burning up equipment that will need replacement or at a minimum more maintainance.

    But as I admitted I am either biased due to my work.... or informed by it.
  2. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    We have a bet going at work. Will there be a shutdown or not. I'm betting not. This is nothing but a big show. These assholes are walking out wiping fake sweat from their brows like they've been hard at work...bullshit.

    The longer we buy in to this "my guy vs. your guy" B.S., the longer we delay what we need to do which is fire these assholes and hit the reset button. The good ol' boys club will not go down without a fight.

    In the meantime...el presidente is taking another family vacation. :rolleyes:
  3. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

  4. Vinny337

    Vinny337 Vin is in...Beastmode!

    This is our latest update....wow

    If a funding lapse occurs, only certain functions excepted by law (e.g., those which involve the protection of life and property), could continue. In such a case, employees performing non-excepted functions would be furloughed. Senior leadership is diligently working to apply Department of Defense and Department of the Navy (DoD/DoN) contingency plan guidance in order to identify those excepted functions and positions that may continue in the absence of available appropriations.

    In the event of a shutdown, the following applies:

    1. ALL employees (military and civilian) will report to work on Monday. Furloughed employees would receive their furlough letters and instructions on how to conduct an orderly shutdown at that time.
    2. Military personnel are NOT subject to furlough and will continue to report for duty.
    3. Employees in working capital funded activities (NAWCs and FRCs) will be EXCEPTED from furlough (continue to work) until all cash reserves are exhausted.
    4. Contractor personnel will continue to work as long as their contracts are fully obligated (funded). Questions on contract status should be directed to your COR or TPOC. If you cannot reach your COR or TPOC, please contact a military service member in your organization.
    5. There will be some impacts to Leave and Travel for ALL employees. For example, travel will only be authorized if in support of excepted functions; and employees will not be paid for leave (those on annual or sick leave will be placed in a furlough status until they return to work).

    I recognize the adverse effects a furlough would have on affected employees and their families. Please know I will continue to follow the situation closely and provide you with additional information and guidance as soon as it is available.
  5. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    SecDef Gates disagrees with you. He might be biased.:D
  6. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    He is. Remember who he works for. Just as his predecessors did their job as ordered so is he. That said he may agree or he may not. Oh and having worked around some of that level I am FAR less impressed by him than most Generals (though some of them come in moron also)
  7. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

  8. fzr400tony

    fzr400tony can't ride

    Conoco-Phillips rec'd less money from the govt than Exxon-Mobile. Don't see a difference from one station to another. Life isn't that simple.
  9. Alter Ego

    Alter Ego Registered User

    And claiming increased taxing of corporations will save America is simple. Loopholes need to be closed. Subsidies for agribusiness growing nothing need to be eliminated. Serious consideration needs to be put into the cost/benefit of regulations before all our manufacturing jobs are gone. No is isn't simple. However, if you don't think the cost of taxation and regulation shows up in the cost you pay for goods and services, you need to take a second look.
  10. fzr400tony

    fzr400tony can't ride


    I never said anyone was more essential than anyone else. That's your opinion.

    Imagine if they forlough govt employees for a couple of weeks, god help the Virginia unemployment agency.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
  11. fzr400tony

    fzr400tony can't ride

    Many corporations carryforward rebates to counter future years tax liabilities.

    I agree on loopholes, which is how so many oil companies have negative tax liabilities.
  12. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Please Leave the FACTS out of this...It will only lead to more confusion ...:D

    The other side of the Isle is not without Guilt at this point...they BOTH have been promising shit and deliver nothing but shit...FK'um all at this point, Where is the ReSet Button.?
  13. Alter Ego

    Alter Ego Registered User

    Sorry for VA. Other states have been dealing with it for quite a while. Bottom line, we cannot continue to employ so many people at the federal level. States and local have been laying off workers for the last couple years because most have constitutional requirements to balance budgets. The feds have simply printed more money and delayed the inevitable. Time to pay the piper.
  14. Vinny337

    Vinny337 Vin is in...Beastmode!

    I’m not sure you fully understand how the Federal system works, just as the state and local county have been laying off workers, so has the Federal Government I've seen it happen...
  15. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    I would pay money to see Ryan tell Pelosi and the rest of the Dems that they have to approve his budget before they can see what is in it. :crackup:
  16. Vinny337

    Vinny337 Vin is in...Beastmode!

    +1 :wow:
  17. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    I just recieved two appointment confirmation from Congressional Reps for monday. So, some are planning on working next week. That is two out six that were scheduled for Monday.
  18. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Where is Obama today? Is he golfing in Williamsburg, hoping someone else fixes this for him?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
  19. Alter Ego

    Alter Ego Registered User

    Where? Federal system and work in the same sentence is a stretch. I am not implying that the people do not work. Many of the state and locals that were laid off were doing a good job. Where are the pay cuts? Where are the efforts to make things more efficient? Where is the elimination of duplication?

    I know it will be painful, but the alternative is bankruptcy if we are not already there. I am as pissed at the R's as I am at the D's. They are bitching about B's when they need to be cutting T's.
  20. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    So that is why most of the job growth has been in government employment? I am sure there is some areas that have laid people off but the number of employees has increased.

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