Do you trust your woman to...

Discussion in 'General' started by Pitlizard, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    shave you???

    Just curious. I love getting to shave Papa and I was just wondering how many of you men trust your woman with a razor blade near your throat.

    Not that I think Papa would trust me if he had a choice, but... :D
  2. Tristan

    Tristan Well-Known Member

    I was getting ready to reply, then saw you specify "throat", so nevermind...
  3. RoastedRumpTard

    RoastedRumpTard Well-Known Member

    With a straight razor, not a chance. With a Bic, no problem. She does her own legs and doesn't nick herself very often,sooo...
  4. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    i would be scared even with the electric razor.
  5. Madmike

    Madmike Drunk Member

    Trust mine completely. And she does a better job than i do any way.
  6. chris73

    chris73 Well-Known Member

    i trust her more than she trusts me to shave her,but she lets me do it because she know's how much fun i have making that little heart shaped patch:D
  7. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    I do a great job and never cut him, but I can't get the goatee thing down. Since his accident I've shaved off his goatee that I love dearly because I can't trim it without messing it up. I can trim the mustache but I can't get the goatee. Go figure. :rolleyes:

    Tristan - mind out of the gutter!!! I asked to shave the rest, but he told me "no". ;)
  8. amaner

    amaner will do math for food

    i do get a little nervous when julie shaves me, but she always does a great job, so what the heck!? but that's with a bic-type. ixnay on the straight razor!
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Bad experience a couple of years back involving an Ex GF and an exacto knife has made me a bit girl-with-a-razor-shy. :D
    So, to answer your question, absolutely F'in NOT!!! :D
  10. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    My wife rarely has to shave her legs because she doesn't grow much hair on them. So the answer is no. But I do let her give me a buzz cut, she's only nicked me once or twice.;)
  11. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    i have trusted my GF to shave my whole body for the competitions i have been in. so i obviously wouldn't have a problem with it, kent.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2002
  12. G2G

    G2G I feel the need

    I trust my wife to shave me and has done so many times in the past. Every two weeks she shaves me with a straight razor. Oh yeah I forgot I get a haircut with the shave cuz she's a barber. :D
    I save my self alot of money marring a barber.
  13. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Hey Plizard, good to see a post from you! To answer your question, I let Paula shave me when I get to shave her;).

    Saw A.J. at Putnam over the weekend. Dang, I guess I was a little boogered up during the Cinci party. His face didn't ring a bell when we started talking. I do remember what the cayman looked like though.

  14. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Hey Captain Kanga! I miss ya!

    You didn't recognize AJ, eh? Well, you were a LITTLE toasted at the party in Cincinnati... Not that I'm saying you're a drunk or anything. Of course, maybe you are - you do like Kawasaki green!! It's a good thing you have better taste in women than you do bikes.
  15. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    The words TRUST & WOMAN do not belong in the same sentence:D
  16. Madmike

    Madmike Drunk Member

    Sure they do.
    Thats why I married mine.
    Its been a whole 3 weeks and its been absolute bliss so far.
    FzrGirl and Madmike.
    Joined at the Hip.
  17. Ex CCS Racer

    Ex CCS Racer Banned

    3 weeks huh? Nothin' but smooth sailin' from here on out eh?:D Just wait.....
  18. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

  19. Madmike

    Madmike Drunk Member

    You have to start some where.

    Its been 3 years.....
    Only married 3 weeks.
  20. AJ_371

    AJ_371 Tom Thumb!!

    I'll be sure to let the croodile know you remembered him....sheesh! I was pissed all year too...cuz I would see you at Putnam...and you wouldn't say hi when I said what's up. anybody eles up for renaming Putnam to Petenam? Just a thought.


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