make her talk dirty..

Discussion in 'General' started by jigmoore, May 30, 2007.

  1. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

  2. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    I haven't even clicked yet and I'm wondering what this has to do with SuzyQ...
  3. WayneDangerous

    WayneDangerous Well-Known Member


    thats good $hit...
  4. Sig

    Sig Well-Known Member

    site seems very very slow.
  5. Wade Parish

    Wade Parish North Central Hawker

    wow. that girl has a filthy mouth.
  6. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    It kicked me out:p
    Must be getting too many hits:D
  7. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned


    i know...she made me blush
  8. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    some of the other languages are a trip too.
  9. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    LOL I am learning dirty words in another language.
  10. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    I'm sure the site owners are looking at the activity logs and shaking their heads.
  11. sportbikepete

    sportbikepete Well-Known Member

    lololol I typed giggity giggity giggity giggity giggity giggity
  12. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    Great I copy paste and paste and paste and paste.
    I think she is having Quagmire is behind her.
  13. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    I think I broke it.
    It now goes straight to a link page.
  14. casjoker

    casjoker Refusing middle age

    Funny the "c" word sounds about the same in any language...guess I should be able to get a piece in about any country. I didn't notice any Southern dialects listed...they have their own language in certain areas down here.
  15. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    You only get to play with it for a while before they want you to pay for it.

    You can probably clear out your cookies and get to use it again.
  16. KnightHunter

    KnightHunter Registered Loser

  17. sportbikepete

    sportbikepete Well-Known Member

    lolololol try giggity giggity giggity giggity giggity giggity in Japanese.

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