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endurance team dues stolen by lone wolf cycles, help us please.

Discussion in 'General' started by el_guapo, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Chip

    Chip Registered

    You spend more than $1500 per weekend at a club race and STILL go that slow.....:wow:
  2. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK


    So, how does the Jigmoore collection agency work? They got a 1-800 number or are they reference only?
  3. theTank

    theTank "You're my BOY, Blue!"

    Easy there, haus! There's a difference between kicking a guy when he is down and STEALING! No thief will ever get a break from me! What's got you so touchy, today?
  4. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    before anyone goes off and runs with the previous post...
    dave's '05 program was not misrepresented to me. the equipment may not have been to my standards but i accepted the deal.
    incompetence is a harsh word for inexperience. we all gotta learn somehow and i was willing to go that route and bring what i could to the table. i had no endurance team experience either and was, myself, looking to learn. i did provide constructive criticisms when i thought i had something to say and i did bitch once or twice just to vent and/or hear myself run my mouth.
    malfeasance? if that's your term for a team owner selling the b-bike mid-season then, again, a bit harsh.
    financially, everything was on the up and up. we worked together to keep the team participating.
    the maintenance of the bike was not to my standard but, again, i accepted the risk...and paid for it. my only real complaint.
  5. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    hey man i already did contact freddie, in my original post, by asking for anyone who knows dave to help me out. if he doesnt wanna, thats his deal. i know that a few regulars on here know dave much better than i do, and may or may not have help or advice to offer, but i didnt want to put a spotlight on anybody, except dave.

    to fred, my perspective is, dave aint down, hes up quite a bit. im down $1500. werent you the dude i talked to for a while over at the far grassy end of the paddock, near daves trailer? about schools and racing and whatnot? thanks for all the advice, if i had continued with racing i know it would have helped me out a lot :beer:
  6. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    shut up, frank.:D
    i didn't want to be get called into this.:eek:
    as far as i'm concerned, the jury is still out. i hope for dave's sake the case is settled out of court to the satisfaction of those involved...and i'm not one of 'em.
  7. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    thats about how i understood it, and thats part of the information i used in deciding to send the guy my money. i figured if he solicited riders last year and things worked out, there was a pretty good chance i was safe in trusting that it would work out for me as well.
  8. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    me too :rock:
  9. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    At least then you'd HAVE an ass. :D :wow:
  10. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    yeah, that's me. sorry to hear about the trouble but i have less info than you do so i thought i'd just lay low. guess i coulda at least said that much before tho'.
    now that i think about it, i may still have an address...i'll check. his garage and residence are two different locations and i don't recall which one i had.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2006
  11. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    no problemo, lay on down and thanks anyway! i dont see why youd want to get involved if you didnt think you had anything helpful to offer. i dont think recapping anything from the past that wasnt great would do any good, unless it involved dishonesty of some sort on daves part.
  12. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    p.s. thanks for the beer fred :beer:
  13. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    dude thanks for the edit, but i have his home address. i blacked it out when i posted the rubber check.
  14. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

  15. theTank

    theTank "You're my BOY, Blue!"

    Hey man, just trying to getcha to help the poor guy out! The jury may be out, but this guy is being WAY nicer than I would be about it. Not to mention WAY nicer than you're being, right now. Who pissed in your cornflakes, this morning?:Poke:
  16. el_guapo

    el_guapo Well-Known Member

    well its the thought that counts!

    right? :confused:

    anyway thanks tank!
  17. DavieStone

    DavieStone Well-Known Member

    Ya Bastard:crackup:
  18. Princess886

    Princess886 Kidd's Mechanic

    You annoy me.
    Go away.
  19. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    don't get me started, frank.
    have i not given you the benefit of the doubt? can you say...aahhhehem...full system...ahehehehem?:D
    sucks having skeletons...

    okay, i'm sorry, frank. it's just that i have a much better chance of beatin' you up behind the keyboard when you piss me off.:beer:
    i know you were trying to be helpful...
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2006
  20. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    Why does this remind me of Lever calling people attention whores?? :confused: :D

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