One talented helicopter pilot.
Not that I know anything about anything but is that an original strap ? That's a nice toy for someone who doesn't wear watches. I may have 5 for...
And he knows it. [IMG] I use the vest and trust it. Sold and supported by a fellow racer.
I'm no carpenter. I think there is more the just regular stairs built up for stadium seating. I think sound is taken into consideration when...
Costwise the last one I dealt with was a room pre built and was fit for the devices, seating and the equipment was in the 30-50k range. I swear...
Once the office is complete. It's kind of hodgepodged together at the moment. You can do theater in a 20x30 room if you wanted. Seen them much...
I worked for and helped with a ton of nice ones and plenty of overpriced junk ones. Deleted my pictures recently. Get a qualified pro to design...
Holiday season. People on vacation can't afford a DVR. Calling it a finale is kind of funny though. Props to the team. We need these episodes...
I don't get it ? Why would the jury consist of non-citizens? People that may know nothing about how our system works, the language or...
Robber gets ass kicked by man in wheelchair. [IMG]
Real gamers drink code red [IMG]
Depends on what he's trying to do. Online fast paced gaming requires some specifics that even some tvs aren't good at; refresh rates for one....
Walmart, Black Friday; intense.
Holy crap. Get to bash any mullet covered heads in ?
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