No Michelin race tires left, they do have some Mita's they're selling off. (12's for $70+$80 TYD mini goons)...
The City of LA and wouldn't you know, highest paid doesn't get you the most qualified, go figure; A report from Open The Books found that eight of...
Carolla said today, if you had unlimited funds and unlimited time to devote to it, minimum 3-5 years before the first piece of lumber hits the ground.
Here's one and some pics with the body off;
Listen,,,, lot's of states and even developed countries around the world have these exact same problems........... Don't they?? ;-)
Av-Gas or 100LL is perfect for any machine without an O2 sensor. It's just pure leaded fuel, no bullshit, regulated, tested and checked along with...
We got a few Gold and black,(fronts too) some nice and some covered in duct tape goo and wheel weight though.
Make sure to spray them white first,,,, then yellow or they will be dark(er)... Ace's Safety Yellow Gloss looks nice.
Nope; [ATTACH]
Maybe why the govt's threatening to murder em this time... [ATTACH]
You know, this is easy to solve, lock down the airspace, create no-fly zones. Ready the Military to shoot down anything that violates the no-fly...
Separate names with a comma.