Our operating agreement is silent on resignation. Only provides for a member...
So I started a company with a guy. I initially offered him minority membership/ownership in the company. We were both going to work as...
Check out The Hartford. They have a really decent small business 401k plan that is less expensive and better options than Intuit. I...
Looks like it's going to be a ducati year.
My first thought is a late 60's early 70's. The cafe style bikes really appeal to me. I obviously need one that can support a little gear....
Which one would you choose? :beer:
Coolest thing I've seen in some time.
Understandable... Just suggesting a turtle participation award...
Maybe I'm just whining... but there are some classes that can be won easily and some that take serious determination. If a guy shows up to...
Off topic a little bit, but speaking in general about how to bring more riders: I raced every Mid-Atlantic and Northeast event last year...
Really sucks all around.
I was a little bit turned off when I saw her giving a racing interview to MotoConnect in a sports bra. But I wish her the best of luck trying to...
I've got $100, will one of you guys be my paddock girl? Must wear skirt and thong.
Separate names with a comma.