is this gona turn it the best ass thread all over again? :D
for all the pacman freaks p.s. if the link doesn't work dont give me the...
i had a customer once who swore that he had an old nsr 500 and he wanted a windshield for it. he brought the mighty nsr 500 to the shop it turned...
last year in ny show i was workin for kaw. i took my kaw shirt off to walk around so people wont bother me askin questions i went sat on a gsxr...
my neighbor's italian he say's it means "i love you. you know"
thanks will try it tonight.
hey light bulb how u been?
went to start my pc got a black screen saying hard disk stripe broken.
I worked the new york show for 4 years and it made me dumber listning to the squids.
what do you need zx-10r or zx6r ?
yamaha what about kaw? hehehe give me a call chris 914-949-1993.
375 lbs 184 hp
Pay me $20 bucks ill call my special rider to take out the compition.
Separate names with a comma.