That underwood chick was here, and from a distance I wasn’t sure who it was. But I recall at that moment a comment being made amongst the crew……...
Thank you, my RT brotha:) My sister did pass early Saturday am. I was cleared to go for the evening, but had to report back Sunday-Last night....
Man those Howitzers rumbling’!
I’m stuck sealed in at work, and my older sister is passing away any moment……..I highly suspect it’s a failed suicide attempt that landed her on...
I “might” have something, just boxed and put away from moving, and forgotten about. I’ll keep it in mind. Thank you :beer:
STG is ridiculous………ly fast on gettin’ me my stuff!! Took barely 3 days to show up on my doorstep from time of order!!! :rock:
:crackup:Yeah, I’m considering bringing my 400 out of hibernation for Roebling next month, and realized last night a new system would be nice....
Hey Ben, did this sell?
I would totally wear that and NGAF!!!:rock::D
Thanks again! My wife found the RB online and printed it today. So far with a 4/6, it looks like it’s only allowed just that one class you...
I’m asking the same thing. I’ve “heard/read” this as potentially having occurred. So just for the open record, I did ask if it’s just a rumor,...
Speaking of buyout, is it just a rumor that the buyout was never paid in full……hence the semi name change? I almost renewed my license after a few...
I learned to embrace the suck:crackup:
Thank you Sir! It doesn’t help I’m trying to do all this from a smatphone :beer:
Damn, say what?
Separate names with a comma.