Dislocated shoulder

Discussion in 'General' started by jeremy dunn, May 5, 2020.

  1. jeremy dunn

    jeremy dunn Well-Known Member

    This year on our Baja trip I decided to play lawn dart & dislocated my right shoulder. We popped it back in & finished the trip, now almost two months later my range of motion is pretty limited & still hurts like hell. I know some of you on here have done it, what’s the typical recovery time & are there things I can do to work on getting my range of motion back? TIA
  2. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    First get it checked for damage.

    If ok, do your range of motion and strength drills.

    It takes time.
    jeremy dunn likes this.
  3. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeap, what cav said. Get it check and do the rehab. I didn't do the rehab work (what does a doctor know, he's just an overpaid janiator! :rolleyes: ) and both mine are still f@cked decades after doing the damage.
    jeremy dunn and cav115 like this.
  4. NemesisR6

    NemesisR6 Gristle McThornbody

    Yup. MRI needed to rule out and/or confirm things. If you have tissue damage you could be exacerbating the issue with continued exertion......
    cav115 and jeremy dunn like this.
  5. 650 RACER

    650 RACER Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear. Shoulders are the worst and the first time is the worst. The next 20 times are progressively less painful if that helps.

    See a doc. After you figure out exactly what's going on with it go do some PT. They will give you strengthening ideas and exercises using resistance bands. Range of motion stuff.

    Like cav115 said it takes time. Lots of time. Ice and anti-inflammatory.

    Don't fret. It will get better. It may never be where it once was but you will adapt to what you have moving forward.
  6. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    From mine a couple years ago and people I know it seems like it'll never be exactly the way it was before it popped out
  7. Get it checked out. I thought I just dislocated mine. Grade 4 ac tear. Surgery pushed out now until who knows when. Been doing rehab at home as once I made / mounted a few things up it was easier than going to it. Still in a fair amount of pain but it’s way better than it was a couple months ago.
  8. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Eventually, you get to the point that you can ease it right back in and go on with what you were doing. Rule out significant damage and then start working the range of motion. Gradually add strength work so that the surrounding muscle structure is able to stabilize the joint. I had to train myself not to let my arm go over my head while sleeping. After rolling over and popping it out in my sleep a time of two, my subconscious got the message.
  9. 650 RACER

    650 RACER Well-Known Member

    Yeah I knew it was time for surgery when my shoulder would pop out if I put my arm above my head. I haven't been able to sleep on my stomach with my arm under my pillow in close to 20 years haha. The recovery from surgery sucked from what I remember. Took forever. (open bankart about 15 years ago which now I think might be considered an old school method). Then the cycle started over again due to the offroad riding and racing. Had a somewhat awkward dislocation in the woods about a year back and it was very difficult to reset back in the socket. I went to the doc. Doc says I need a full replacement now. Im 43!!! Aint nobody got time for that!!!!

    OP this might not be you for many, many years but my $.02 avoid surgery for as long as you possibly can. Take PT seriously.
    jeremy dunn likes this.
  10. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    :stupid: Yep, get your exercises and get religious on the physical therapy I went to a physical therapist for five or six sessions until I felt comfortable doing them on my own etc. Don't half ass it. At times it help me to get in a hot shower and get it lose etc. Good luck.
    jeremy dunn and cav115 like this.
  11. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Sooo...going on track in a car is more dangerous than a motorcycle, who would have thought?

    Went off and got backwards and sideways into a tire wall. When I hit it I was fine, the tough part is that the side curtain airbag went off after the impact and dislocated my shoulder. I popped it back in, and then it popped out again in the paddock reaching for something, and I popped it back in. All I can think of was Lethal Weapon.

    A week later, it's starting to feel better, but it's definitely not fun, especially since my predominant other side I have a torn rotator cuff. This is fun :\
  12. Nick_OMC

    Nick_OMC Will crash your bike

    I dislocated my in April of last year. Turns out I had also shattered my humeral ball to and fractured almost halfway down my arm. Had it plated and screwed back together. Still dealing with range of motion and strength challenges. Luckily, I did not suffer any tendon damage.
    BigBird likes this.
  13. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Bummer on your shoulder, but did this wipe out the Civic type R?
  14. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    You did it playing lawn darts? How big were the darts? :D
  15. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Still waiting to hear from insurance, but probably not a total since they are worth so much right now
  16. samizx7

    samizx7 Well-Known Member

    Shoulder injuries are the worst. Been going through hell for year. Multiple surgeries and it is worst then ever. My recommendation is if you going to surgical fix it, you would have to try your best not to injure it again. That mean stop ridding for while. Otherwise the best solution is rehab. You definitely tore up something. Two month is along time for minor injury. Mri , a lot of money and pain. Arm should been strapped for three month after the initial injury.
  17. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear this brother. I haven't' taken my Exige 260 Sport on a track for this reason, although I'm sure it would be a blast. I have a go kart, that is cheap to wipe out, and I still have a KX65 mini that I need to get out on or @SuddenBraking is going to come kick my ass.
    SuddenBraking and BigBird like this.
  18. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Appreciate it. Had track insurance, but as anything risk/reward. I always loved using my daily as a racecar, but yeah this dulls that a bit.

    On the bright side I did finish on the podium, and as my wife asked, was it worth it, mostly lol
    Pride & Joy and Boman Forklift like this.
  19. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    That’s good to hear! So it was a race and not a track day?
  20. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    It was a time attack. I really don't do track days unless practice for an upcoming time attack. I need the competition aspect to keep it interesting.
    Boman Forklift likes this.

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