rebuilding monoblock calipers

Discussion in 'Tech' started by DBConz, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    any tricks to getting the pistons out? i'm used to split case calipers and it's so much easier to get the pistons out with compressed air. i would get one piston on each side pop out, then it would be stuck due to clearance. then getting the other pistons out was a huge PITA.

    any tricks you guys do?
  2. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    We have a few different brake piston pliers we use in the shop in various degrees of quality. I don't think any of them are a particular brand name. I also have a little Motion Pro tool that is hit or miss depending on what kind of calipers.

    Something like this:
    mpusch likes this.
  3. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    i have the Bike Master pliers and that's what i used to get the ones out that didnt pop out from air.
    was hoping there was an easier method, but probably not.
    DmanSlam likes this.
  4. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    The Motion Pro tool is basically the same thing.

    In my experience, how difficult the pistons are to remove depends on how long it has been since the last service. Calipers we do every season that the owners keep clean come apart easy. Calipers that have been on a race bike for six seasons that have never been serviced come apart with some protest.
  5. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    true. mine tend to pop out easily. these ones are a set i got on eBay for a spare set
  6. lopitt85

    lopitt85 Well-Known Member

    Ditto on the caliper/piston removal pliers. Best method I've come up with is clean everything I can reach, then pop them out with the pliers

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