R6 QS Help (Woolich)

Discussion in 'Tech' started by wheelz96, May 27, 2021.

  1. wheelz96

    wheelz96 Well-Known Member

    So, here is what I got going on... My race bike is a 2011 R6 that had a DynoJet QS hard wired to my flashed ECU. I do not know who flashed my ECU and what software was used so I bought a stock ECU and flashed it on a dyno with Woolich. My bike had a terrible flat spot in the higher revs which caused me to want to re-flash.

    Since I dynod and flashed the new ECU I no longer have the QS function with my DynoJet. (I did enable it in race tools with both options of shift patterns). My understanding is now I need a Woolich QS to work with my woolich flashed ECU.

    Can I hard wire the DynoJet QS into the ECU harness where the EX-UP pin is? I was told Woolich uses the EX-UP for their QS. If this is true, does anyone know what pin in the stock harness this is?

    I do have a PC5 I never installed and I know I can install that and make it work but was seeing if I can just change where the QS harness attaches to the ECU harness. Is this possible with Woolich?
  2. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    I ran into some issues with the Woolich system and my own QS. It does plug into the stock exhaust valve pin location, I know that. However, if you call the US support, they will tell you how to install it as I know there are people who use other brand shifters with the Woolich.
    wheelz96 likes this.
  3. wheelz96

    wheelz96 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply. I really just wanted to know it's possible... US Support has of course told me that Woolich software is designed to work only with Woolich hardware which sounds like a sales pitch to me...
  4. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    Woolwich uses strain gauge switches. A binary switch like the DJ/Translogic switches won't work.
    Canadian Bacon likes this.
  5. This. Think of it as one strategy looks for an on / off (1/0) and the other looks for a value (assume Woolrich is 0-5v but haven’t checked that exact one).
  6. wheelz96

    wheelz96 Well-Known Member

    Well it sounds like my only option is to hook up the PC5 to allow my DJ quickshifter to work. My ECU is flashed with Woolich software. I can use my PC5 only for the QS function without messing around with my AFR and settings in the ECU, correct?

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