Covid19 PSA

Discussion in 'General' started by R Acree, Mar 10, 2020.

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  1. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    While still a significant number the "total cases" graph is a bit misleading considering that the US has 5.5x the population of Italy and 7x the population of Spain. Cases per 1M people gives a more accurate indicator (Italy is 350, Spain is 137 and US is 9.2) but it does not have the same scare factor as the total cases.

    Not to get too Dungeony but I get concerned when the government starts saying "just do as you are told" . The whole lockdown thing has me a bit worried too. Especially since I am a long way away from my family and not scheduled to go home for another week. The virus concerns me less than the potential actions of some of societies less desirables and I would like to be home if someone decides that they need some of my stuff.
    G 97, noles19 and baconologist like this.
  2. Yzasserina

    Yzasserina sound it out

    A healthy attitude. Continue to be vigilant and make a plan tailored to your circumstances.
  3. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Toilet paper?....
    crashman likes this.
  4. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

  5. I gotta say, I am a little surprised (and disappointed, if not aggravated) at how out of touch with reality, or maybe self-centered, a lot of the US is. There are STILL people that believe this is just some big hoax, and that it isn't real.

    Then you have the people going apeshit about races and shit being cancelled. I understand people have made plans, lost money, etc...but this shit is real and shouldn't be fucked with.

    I work with people from all over the world, and some people are going through real shit. People have had to deal with parents that have died from this and/or kids that are currently sick. Not to mention their whole country being on lockdown. In places like Poland, France, Italy, Spain, etc...damn near everything deemed unnecessary is banned. In some countries you are not allowed to be outside your home except to go to the supermarket, or hospital.

    The US essentially went from 1 case in Washington, to thousands of cases all over the one week. And those are just people who have been sick enough to actually be tested. Who knows how many people they infected prior to getting sick enough to be tested, and/or how many carriers are out there constantly infecting others.

    As previously mentioned, they randomly tested 300 hospital workers in Holland, none of whom were sick at all, and 28 of them had the virus. No telling how many other people they infected prior to being tested.

    I know everyone wants to maintain a normal life. But the last thing the US needs is unnecessary gatherings of hundreds/thousands of people. All it takes is for just 10 Carriers to be mixed with a crowd of hundreds of people, then each of those 10 people pass it on to 10 others. Then those 100 people return home....

    It sounds "doom and gloom", but it is easy to foresee a situation where any large public gathering could potentially, ultimately, affect thousands all over the respective region.
  6. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

  7. baconologist

    baconologist Well-Known Member

    all for a virus that can be mitigated with soap.....

    It is correct we dont know how many carriers are out there. We also dont know how ling this virus has been in nature. We just recently discovered it and started looking.

    natures job is to find make a supreme being. From bacteria to viruses, to carnivores something out there will kill you eventually.
    Fonda Dix, Phl218 and Gorilla George like this.
  8. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    :crackup:Nope. Old GSXR parts. You know how sketchy those vintage guys are...:D
    joec and Pixelator like this.
  9. Montoya

    Montoya Well-Known Member

    I posted a link to the actual guidelines that Italy put together the other day, granted it was in Italian. It’s starting to make the rounds now, as more people understand that if we don’t “flatten the curve”, triage guidelines come into effect. This is where they start... but it escalated from there. Triage decisions are horrible, they are a fact of life for every disaster once the number of victims exceed resources. The Atlantic has a good article last week out of Northern Italy about the difficulties doctors are facing.
  10. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Cases in US have been tripling per week in the last two weeks. And this isn't some math problem where the numbers will rise expodentioally.

    We're at 3000+ cases and 60 deaths right now and this thing has been around for months. This is a drop in the bucket compared to population size and compared to what's going on in Italy.

    Shutting down borders and big events is a good prevention. Anything beyond that right now is paranoia and not sustainable long term.

    As I heard somebody say, the economic ramifications will far outweigh the health ones this virus will inflict on the population.

    Just to put things in perspective, with the total world population for every million people you meet, 20 of those people are infected.

    For US that number is 10.

    For Italy that number is 350.

    Precautions need to be taken. Damn near calling for martial law and complete shut down of the country is retarded and unrealistic.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2020
  11. speedkelly

    speedkelly Well-Known Member

    **Alert** latest statement by the UK government.


    Men aged between 20-65 are now thought most likely to carry the Corona virus without showing any signs or symptoms.
    The best course of action is to avoid women and children to prevent the spread of the virus.
    Motorcycle shops, the shed or garage have been recognised as self isolation areas by the World Health Organisation and you must now self isolate for 14 days.
    Ensure you have with you, your laptop, PayPal details and plenty of tea bags and milk. In the event you cannot finish that project you purchased two years ago, take the opportunity to tidy the garage in peace or sort through all the junk in there and list it on Ebay to fund another motorcycle while you can!
    RossK6, Banditracer and baconologist like this.
  12. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    Not trying to be douchey, but the first case in the US was in January, not a week ago. Curious that's how you remember it though.

    Not trying to discount your friends' struggles. Makes me wonder what else we perceive to be happening that isn't actually so. Don' think the media is helping.
    418 likes this.
  13. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    All of this
    Gorilla George likes this.
  14. ljuice26

    ljuice26 Well-Known Member

    The different is testing. The US has barely tested anyone vs Italy, S. Korea, China and Singapore are testing damn near EVERYONE. We have no test kits while those countries have hundreds of thousands of test kits.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  15. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    I just called in to work. Was supposed to work 4-9. I ain't sick, I'd rather just stay home and drink beer. I am currently sitting in the parking lot of Home Depot which is straight across the street from my job. I need 2 bags of mulch and some lump hardwood charcoal so's I can cook out later. Lol.
    JBall likes this.
  16. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    I gotta say.....

    I think we're screwed if @Gorilla George is the voice of reason around here.

    hashtag smiley face
    Phl218 and Gorilla George like this.
  17. 418

    418 Expert #59

    So are we to assume the numbers of infected are correct or not? You cant just cherry pick stuff to fit your agenda. If you're saying that lets say there are 10X the people infected in US right now than we actually know right now, that makes the mortality rate look that much better.

    The current mortality rate in Italy is 24 people per million. That number in US is .1818 per million. So you're 132 times more likely to die from this in Italy than US right now.

    Anyways, I'm out. Gonna go get some toilet paper. Or maybe go live my life as normal. Whatever.
  18. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    We don’t know if the numbers are accurate because of lack of testing in the US.
  19. GRH

    GRH Well-Known Member

    Up until the last few days the biggest concern in the US has been how to keep the stock market from collapsing and if people should buy the dip.
    It's been a wait and see strategy at my job and kids school. Both should be more proactive as this seems to be gaining steam not tapering off.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I was wondering about that. Might look into it to cover insurance payments and the like until we have some cash flow again if we have to move things around.
    Once a Wanker.. and Quicktoy like this.
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