GSXR 1000R fork extenders?

Discussion in 'Tech' started by Motofun352, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    I have a '18 GSXR 1000R with the BFF forks. I'm happy with the forks (ie I don't want to swap to Ohlins,etc). I'm trying to find extenders for the forks that allow the bike to be raised. This has worked for my 2 previous GSXRs but so far I haven't found extenders for the BFF fork. I contacted Yoshimura but they aren't making them. Is there another option?
  2. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    For the stock cartridge?
  3. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    How much longer you want it to be? Some can be extended without buying any parts.
    Did you check with traxion for caps?
  4. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    I raised my 750 15mm, front and back and it changed the bike completely. I was thinking the same fix would work for the GSXR 1000R. I checked with both Yosh and Traxxion (web site only for Traxxion) dice.
  5. Lawdog78

    Lawdog78 Well-Known Member

  6. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    Have not seen 1k forks but I got quiet bit out of 750. If you have tools and comfortable taking them apart PM me
  7. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    You might get 10mm out of the BFF with stock carts, any more than that will risk damaging the top bushing. If you have aftermarket cartridges, you can get extenders. If Traxxion doesn't show them, I'd call Max and see if they have something. Or try GP Suspension, Pacific NW.
  8. MotoGP69

    MotoGP69 Well-Known Member

    I was under the impression that the R forks were already longer than the standard units, rendering fork caps unnecessary. YMMV
  9. Wheeliest

    Wheeliest ʍɥǝǝןıǝsʇ

    You can counter sink them a little bit into the top triple. the geometry from suzuki looks to provide 25mm of additional adjustment


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