Stoopid unAmerican liberal democrats aided and abetted a twice deported illegal in a triple homicide

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by G 97, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. G 97

    G 97 Garth

  2. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

    Just WOW!
  3. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    This will be brushed under the rug
    Bloodhound likes this.
  4. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    These people hate you. They hate America. They dont care about any law.

    They have a rep that committed immigration FRAUD and is therefore in the country illegally and they are not saying a word.

    F**k all Dems.
    TurboBlew, K51000 and brex like this.
  5. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    He's just seeking asylum because his family situation in his home country is so terrible. He wants to establish a home so he can bring his wife and kids, attend college and contribute millions to the economy.
    Why do you hate brown women and kids? They are in a concentration camp all because of you!
  6. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Yep pretty much. Things have gone far beyond just pandering for votes. With people in our government supporting these people before their very own, we have really sunk low as a country.
    ducnut likes this.
  7. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Bet you won't see anything about it on CNN.
    Bloodhound and K51000 like this.
  8. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    This same story has played out hundreds of times now all over the country. The democrat party is working hard to destroy America and rebuild it under their communist dream. The only thing stopping them is OMB, and the tolerance of the silent majority of patriots. Folks, you better turn out and vote against every democrat in every office. "politics is local"
    K51000 and borislav like this.
  9. borislav

    borislav Well-Known Member

    I can't understand why are people from south America who are trying to cross border treated differently from people from other continents who are trying to do the same!!!??
    Only because there is land conection doesn't/ shouldn't make them more privileged then others who are trying to do the same.
    Point here is you CAN'T arrive on the plain, boat, car... from different country and just walk through customs with out PROPPER papers, wtf is going on in Democrat dumb fucks heads to justify this kind of behavior specially in the cases like this (criminal, previously deported) women and kids murdering pieces of shit!!!???
    If proven guilty I would put his head in wise and tighten it until both jaws make contact with each other! MFR
    ducnut likes this.
  10. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    A Democrats response is "People who were born here kill people too" No shit cupcake and I wish we could deport them too. Even better give them 150,000 volts.
    Trent and ducnut like this.
  11. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Notice the victims were likely also illegal (names)? Let's just import all the third world chaos so lettuce is 99 cents...
    MachineR1 likes this.
  12. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    I love that argument from the socialists. They love to use the whole "illegals make food affordable" line, yet also love to declare $15/hr as the absolute minimum wage anyone should ever be forced to take (even though it puts restaurants out of business).
    So they support paying illegals a lower wage. Seems a bit racist. Then again, it is the party that owns racism.
    ducnut likes this.
  13. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    They are the party of slavery
    ducnut likes this.
  14. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

    I don’t get it either, if what I understand to be correct. I have two friends who came from the UK who say they had to be educated and skilled to come over for application of citizenship (if I’m saying it right). Yet, from the south, one only needs a to apply for a green card? Is that right?
  15. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Answer: The democrat party has lost too many slaves, they need to import more to stay in power.

    "we'll have them niggers voting democrat for generations"
    --Lyndon Johnson
    lrrs517 likes this.
  16. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    And he was right.
  17. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Problem is that despite the best efforts to keep them dependent those darn $@$s are succeeding more and more all the time. So time to import some new serfs.
  18. lrrs517

    lrrs517 Internet Investigative Officer

    Trump ruins everything.
  19. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    I was left for dead by a three time felony deported illegal back here illegally after a 70mph hit and run on I-4 ten miles out of Daytona Beach a week after race of champions 2008!!! Left for dead.
  20. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Did you survive?
    MachineR1 likes this.

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