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Trump is a Winning Machine

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by blkduc, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    kangasj likes this.
  2. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    That article makes zero sense

    Between 2007 and 2017, Louisiana — which went nearly 60 percent for Trump in the 2016 election — has an illegal alien population that has grown by 15,000.

    Assuming the influx over those 10 years was relatively linear, 90% of those people were already there when Trump won the state!

    These articles piss me off. The headline wants you to believe that the Dems are somehow stacking the polls after the last election in order to win, but if you actually read the information, it’s bullshit.

    I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating a thousand times. The Dems are up to something. They’re either writing off this election and don’t care, or they’ve stepped up their voter fraud game so much that they’re certain of a victory. My thinking is that it’s both and they’re playing the long game. They know they can’t win the White House, so they’ve put up all these morons to make a lot of noise, look stupid, and effectively reduce Republican turn out because most people only care about the presidential election and the R’s will have it on lockdown. In the meantime, they’ll go 110% with all of their tricks and fraud in key states to pick up some more house and senate seats, then they’ll make Trump’s second term a nightmare. In 2024 they’ll blame him for the mess they created, but because they have the support of the media and people are stupid, the public will go along with it and we’ll wind up with a D president, house, and senate and we’ll be fucked.
    sheepofblue likes this.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  4. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    It's Breibart. They're worst than The Washington Post....
  5. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday


    Leftist and the lies they tell themselves. The humor never gets old.
  6. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Anyone here going to the Trump rally tomorrow? There are hundreds of people that started camping out 40 hours early. Over 100,000 RSVPs for a stadium that holds 25,000. Damn!

    Meanwhile, Shotgun Joe got one rally up to 85 people :crackup:
    K51000, cav115 and ducnut like this.
  7. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

  8. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The NYT has no credibility left.
  9. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    LOL @ "shotgun Joe" "Just shoot them through the door" :crackup:
    blkduc likes this.
  10. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    I already try to avoid going downtown. That avoidance is multiplied when there is a special event, especially one dealing with any President. I-4 is already a shit storm without the extra interference from secret service.
  11. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Lmfao does ANYONE even look at polls anymore? Seriously. The left didn’t learn a goddamn thing last time around when Hillary was gonna win big!

    Hell I saw a “poll” on tv last night that said how Biden was already double points ahead!

    The fuck? Trump is actually working, and getting shit done.

    When he does rallies they are jam packed and Biden has little community centers not even full.

    Keep posting polls, it’s hilarious!
    XFBO and K51000 like this.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Hell, want a good chuckle? Read this
  13. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Reached monthly limit. Cliff notes?
  14. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Like most bureaucrats weren't already anti-Trump already. A good start would be to reduce the bloated bureaucracy by 50%.....Let's see, hmmmm, EPA=gone, DoEd=gone, DoCommerce=50%gone, DoEnergy=50% gone, DoHUD=gone. Start over from a clean slate. Give the military another pay raise.
    K51000 likes this.
  15. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    Orange man bad...
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Clear your cookies. :Poke:
  17. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    You're not my cookies supervisor!
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I’m not the one whining about not knowing how to get past a feeble paywall...
  19. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Oh wow, a circular sourced article, so credible.

    So The NY Times runs a story long on opinion and short on facts while, once again, citing anonymous sources about what Trump allegedly told his staff etc. then splinternews takes it a step further and writes what’s nothing more than a Trump/orange man bad piece and uses the manufactured NYTimes piece as a reference in order to try and give it credibility. Then the weak minded lap it up like mothers milk and share it with the masses.
    XFBO and K51000 like this.
  20. K51000

    K51000 Well-Known Member

    I'm so tired of hearing the same criticsim from the left;
    It's always- he/we are racist and bigoted. Yet the FACTS don't support those claims.
    Yet the overwhelming facts show that in fact it's the left that are much more racist and bigoted than anyone.
    Yet, I keep hearing how he's racist and bigoted. Can't they find another narrative?
    Maybe one that has a actual factual basis?

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